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vienna didn't talk about oscar too the girls, just that she was feeling a little upset. they all immediately came over with wine and food, they must've really liked her from that night. it was the first time she actually had friends in richmond and it felt nice. her everyday routine was being interrupted and she didn't even seem to care. she felt so much better. "should i get a new car?" vienna asked rolling over her bed, olivia, faith and georgina all squeezed together on it. "depends on the car." liv said as vienna showed them the car. "oh my god, another porsche!" georgina gasped grabbing the phone. "it's amazing." faith looked at it. "i'm getting it." vienna said getting out of bed. "seriously just like that?" olivia scoffed. "yes." vienna smiled grabbing a random pair of jeans from her closet slipping them on. "uh im going with." olivia for out of bed. "my mum is texting me she needs help with something." faith chuckled, getting up with georgina. "let's meet up after you get the car?" georgina asked and they all agreed.

"oh god you're crazy!" olivia held onto the sides of her seat. "calm down, i'm an excellent driver." vienna said pulling into the porsche dealership. "we should not have gotten here as fast as we did." olivia said getting out of the car. vienna chuckled turning the car off. "hello!" a dealership employee greeted. "hi, i called about the pink porsche to put it in shorter words." vienna told him and he smiled. "yes, we've been expecting you ms moore, your fathers a good friend of don's. i'm glad you've decided to buy with us." vienna nodded, olivia just stood there awkwardly. "come on." vienna put her hand which olivia took. "let's get you a car." the man said as the followed him into the building, vienna immediately seeing her car.

viennamoore just posted a story

viennamoore just posted a story

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"your new car is nice." oscar said through the phone. "i think a mclaren would've been better." he added making her smile. "maybe the next one." vienna told him, he laughed. "so you just like to buy cars huh?" oscar questioned. "when i can afford them, yes." she said with a small laugh. "well a mclaren should be next." oscar shrugged giving her a cheeky grin. "i can't wait too see you again." he added. "july." vienna told him and he shook his head. "counting down the days huh?" oscar teased. "yes actually and i'm not ashamed. i'm ready to have you in my arms again." vienna told him. "i always say that, lando won't stop teasing me about it." oscar rolled his eyes. "he doesn't get it." vienna laughed. "he doesn't, i'm not even sure i do." oscar but his lip. "very real of you to say." vienna watched as he walked into his hotel restroom. "i'll be watching you race tomorrow." vienna told him, he turned to the car and smiled. "that means a lot, thank you." oscar said. "of course." she smiled looking at the time. "i should get to bed. i've got class in the morning." she said. "text me when you wake up." oscar said turning the shower on. "i will. goodnight." vienna pressed her screen. "goodnight vienna." he said smiling at the screen. she ended the call and sighed turning her phone off.

the next morning, vienna was up at early for class, then after she was taking her usual run. her phone started ringing. she answered told siri to answer it. "hello?" she said slowing down her pace. "this a bad time?" oscar's voice made her smile. "just out on my run, how is your morning." vienna said putting her hands on her hips now just walking normally. "it's been good. i'm ready for the race, admittedly a little nervous." oscar told her. "is this why you called? you're nervous." vienna was now frowning. "yeah, and i wanted to hear your voice it calms me." oscar chuckled. "i'm glad i can be at service. and you don't need to be nervous you'll do great. i know it." vienna said as she stretched her arms out. "you're gonna be watching right?" oscar questioned. "of course. i'm about to go the gym. i'll be done in time to watch." vienna confirmed. "okay. good. i'll call you after, have fun." oscar said. "it's the gym, how fun is it really." vienna chuckled. "bye." they both said at the same time then hung up.

the girl did exactly what she said she would, she made it quick at the gym she ran home, showered, ordered food, then cuddled up on her couch with the race displayed on her tv. vienna smiled everytime they mentioned oscar's name. he was starting p10, which was good but she knew not good enough for oscar. all he needed to do was try and keep his place, overtake when he could and he'd score a point. the whole race vienna was on the edge of her seat, she now understood why her father enjoyed the sport so much. she began not even paying attention too oscar, although he was in her mind the whole time. at the end oscar got the checkered flag putting him at p11, just under yuki tsunoda. vienna was devastated for him. she turned the tv off, as he phone dinged. a text from oscar.

oscar i really need to see you. come to miami?

vienna's heart ached for him. she didn't text back immediately she wanted to talk to him on the phone before saying yes. she waited a few hours before ringing him. "hello?" he answered softly. "how're you feeling?" she asked. "better now that i've heard your voice." oscar told her, she smiled softly. "i'm disappointed. upset i didn't do better." he sighed loudly. "you did the best you could oscar, i'm proud of you." vienna told him. "did you get my message?" he wanted to change the subject and vienna wasn't going to pressure him to talk about it. "i did." vienna nodded to herself. "i didn't get a response so i didn't know." he said, vienna could hear him shifting around. "i'd love to go to miami oscar, but- it's fine actually ." oscar choked out, he already felt stupid for asking and now he thought she was saying no. "oscar- i should go. it's getting late, we still have some work to do before leaving." oscar said hanging up not even giving her a chance to say anything, vienna moved the phone away from her ear and sighed. "bloody hell." she cursed to herself.

bitch move oscar bitch move.
that cars electric let's pretend it's not. okay? okay.

𝙏𝙊𝙐𝘾𝙃 𝙏𝘼𝙉𝙆, 𝙤𝙨𝙘𝙖𝙧 𝙥𝙞𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙞Where stories live. Discover now