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They arrived to City Hall and had registered and we're currently waiting to be called in for their short ceremony.

"Hey, little girl." Georgie spoke to Jane as y/n held her.

They were both standing up whilst Connie and Dale sat on the bench beside them.

"In a few minutes you're gonna be legitimate." Georgie continued saying to Jane.

"Is she not already legitimate?" Y/n looked away from Jane and to her soon so be husband.

"To us, everyone else is saying she isn't." Georgie quickly defended himself.

"If you wanna smack him I'll hold the baby." Connie said, holding out her arms to take Jane.

"No it's okay," y/n tutted at Jane.

"Wait! Wait!" Y/n heard a familiar voice yell from down the hallway.

She looked up quickly and saw Mary, George SR and Missy running toward them.

She quickly passed Jane to Connie and said, "What are they doing here?"

Georgie shrugged.

"I told them." Connie spoke up. "And you can't smack me cause I'm holding the baby."

"Did we miss it?" Mary asked, worriedly as they reached them.

"No, still waiting." Georgie answered.

"Told you we didn't need to run." George SR said, out of breath.

Mary huffed and rolled her eyes at her husband before turning and taking a step toward y/n.

Y/n didn't have a happy look on her face as Mary started speaking to her.

"I know you're mad at me and I'm sorry but can we please be apart of this wedding." Mary pleaded.

"Please I only have one brother." Missy added.

"What about Sheldon?" Mary turned to her, angrily.

"Egh." Missy shrugged making Mary huff and turn back to y/n.

"Fine." Y/n sighed. She couldn't make them leave and it would be nice having them here.

"Cooper Marie-Jones?" A lady with a clipboard peered out of the room and called their names.

"Right here." Georgie smiled, putting his arm over y/n's shoulders.

"You're up." The lady said and went back into the room.

Y/n giggled and excitedly grabbed onto Georgie's arm that was over her and was about to give him a quick kiss until—

"Wait! Wait!" A much more familiar voice yelled from the hallway this time and y/n saw her mother and father running down the hall.

Y/n looked over at Connie, "it wasn't me." Connie immediately defended.

"It was me." George SR spoke up quickly looking at y/n. "I called your dad."

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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