1: Collidings and Sightings

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I woke from a knock at the door, making my eyes creep open. "Jess, wake up and get ready!" I heard my mom yell after the knocking stopped, which was followed by the light sound of paws on the floor. My hands rubbed my eyes before pushing the rest of my body up.

"Well, good morning to you too, Murphy," I say -my voice groggy from just waking up- while looking at my beloved red and white Australian Shepard who was standing at my door ready to leave while wagging his tail like he had done something good to get a treat, wanting to leave me. Kidding! He has to use the potty, so he's ready to run out to his luxurious bathroom. So, I get up, give him a quick pet, then release him into the hallway.

"Murphy is on the way!" After I let him out of my room in the mornings, Mom lets him out into the backyard. Any other time of day I take him out unless I'm not here.

Then, I closed the door and got ready for the day. Starting with my clothes and using the bathroom, which is just me grabbing a few articles of clothing that match, putting them on, then using the toilet, followed by me brushing my teeth, then finally my face. That was followed by me gathering everything that had been removed from my bag, such as my camera, laptop, and gum, and then I shoved in some extra pens because I always lose them somehow. Doing all that only takes me about 10 minutes each day, which leaves 20 minutes until I have to leave.

So, upon finishing everything, I grabbed my things and left my room, heading downstairs into the kitchen where my mother was. When entering the room Murphy ran up to me, and my nostrils filled with the scent of nearly burnt bacon and hash browns.

"Morning again, boy." I petted him while setting my bag and camera down before standing up again and patting my chest while saying, "Hug." And with that he happily jumped up, putting his paws on my arms while I petted his chest and kissed his head. He is the only male thing I will ever be kissing. "Down," I said a minute later, he did as I said and hopped down but stayed by my side.

"You trained him so well," Mom said while shoveling some hash browns onto a plate.

"Thanks, I know."

We got Murphy just over two years ago when he was a puppy. I had been begging for a dog and Mom finally caved when I showed her a picture of him from the breeder, her only condition was: I had to train and take care of him. Which I was more than happy to do. So, two weeks later he was in the car sitting on my lap while licking all over my face.

I turned my attention to my mother and spoke, "It smells good." I sat and Murphy layed down on the floor beside my chair.

"Of course it does, I made it. What else do you expect?" Her lips quirked up into a grin as she handed me a plate of food. "Now, eat up." She then slid me a glass just over half full of orange juice.

Mom sat next to me with her plate of food and we then both started eating together, sprinkling in a light conversation about our plans for today, like usual. She'll be home late today since it's Monday, which doesn't mess with anything I was going to do. I will just take Murphy on a walk, probably through the nearest park, with my camera.

Mom took our dishes to the sink and rinsed them once we were done. I put them in the dishwasher after she finished.

"Were you up all night editing pictures, again?" She asked, handing me another plate, and looking at me through her dusty blonde hair that was hanging off the side of her face, the same shade of hair as mine.

I sucked a breath in through my teeth as I directed my eyes to the inside of the dishwasher. "I was not up all night. I like to get a good amount of sleep, Mother."

She let out a half-chuckle. "So you went to sleep sometime around midnight?"

"Yeah, sometime around then." It's the truth, one-ish is around midnight. I just may have gotten caught up in editing I forgot about school and sleep.

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