Uhh excuse me?

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(Lance is Altean and Keith is Galra just because... plot)
~a bit Langsty because I CAN and Klance)
~Will angst and Leo angst because I like seeing my favorite characters suffer~

Photo ain't mine and I did not see any credits so credits and if you find them let me know so I can fix that!
It was a warm and sunny day at camp half blood. Children running around, swords clanging in the wind, people thriving in safety


The altean said while kicking the galra soldier in his knees and running away "HAHAHAHHA FUCK YOU!"

"Lance stop screwing around and get back to the ship." Allura orders the paladin

"BOoOooo no fun." Lance jumped into blue as his mouth was closing slipping into the crack and ran in the chair then dashed away to the castle. He had retrieved the crystals they needed for wormholes and you know... stuff

Lance ran into the room with the bag of crystals in his hands "I got em! Man these are so damn heavy." He gave the bag to Keith as he fell onto the couch catching his breathe

Allura peeked into the bag take out a crystal and admiring the beautiful purple glow which was unusual but they needed it no matter what "Hm you did well. Go to training now you've missed quite a bit. Probably why you are so tired now."

Lance just was following orders at the point and was surprised he hadn't collapsed but eh. You listen to people above you no matter how dead they're supposed to be or how gone the their kingdom is.

-Back at Camp half blood-

Will grabbed one of the Ares kids arms and put the kid on the stretcher "Percy, can you take the kid into his cabin. He is going to need therapy or I will, I do not know who will at this point just get him OUT." Will yelled as Percy scrambled grabbing the kid dragging him to his cabin.

The Latino boy peeked from the shadows a bit of sunlight hitting his dark and shiny curls "Will do you need a break you look tired and... horrible." Leo asked looking will up and down at the bags in his eyes and shaking hands

Will got up dusting his pants off "No I'm fine I just.. I don't- I don't know what to do anymore there is so much and I'm just- tired and over it." Will rested his head in his hands trying so desperately not to cry

Leo looked around a bit searching for a certain emo "Nico, come get your boyfriend." Leo shouted at the small boy (by like an inch)

Nico rolled his eyes and waved his hand signaling him he didn't have time "I need to finish this, maybe in a bit." Nico ran to the other kids sword fighting.

Leo just stood there as he took Will into the infirmary to get the kids arm on. "Okay take a break, the others got it." Leo patted wills back

Will grabbed the small boys arm shaking his head "No I need to do my job. Everyone else is! It's what I'm good at and it's what I'm supposed to like." Will was trying to push through Leo. He soon gave up and just cried. Leo was pissed that Nico would pass up Will struggling and he was going to find out why he was being so selfish.

-Voltron- (I'm switching so much but it's for a reason!)

Lance trained as Allura told him shooting at robots until he was sweaty, tired and looking like a corpse. 'I am supposed to be good at this why the HELL AM I ONLY ON LEVEL 10!' Lance thought angry at his progress in the last few hours "END SESSION." Lance said throwing his gun to the side and curling into a ball.

"You good?" Keith walked into the room from god(s) knows where bending down to sit next to Lance.

"Yes, just leave me alone." Lance turned his body so Keith couldn't see him just for him to be pushed into the Galras arms.

"You don't have to be perfect at what you do. It's fucked up the expectations Allura has for you but you're trying. Take it easy every once in a while or you're gonna die. Cant loose our sharpshooter now can we?" Keith nudged Lance causing him to giggle.

"Maybe not but that's easy for you to say Mr 'I'm a Galara and I'm super tall and strong and amazing and good at what I'm supposed to do.'"
Lance soon realized what he said and blushed (FROM EMBARRASSMENT and also maybe love but shhhhhhhh)

Keith giggled at his embarrassment and just embraced the fact that he was jealous of him but I mean it was probably for a reason he wasn't going to ask. Dont need any secrets.

I used to watch this show as a kid and read the books and everything and I've seen crossovers and wanted one of my own so yall can fight me.


Hope yall enjoyed bye my little book Goblins!!!!!

874 words

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