Chapter 25

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Now that her secret is out, there is nothing keeping Sapphire from her work. She can focus on the task at hand. However, that is not the case. Valka is on her mind.

Even though she posed as someone she is not, Sapphire can't help but feel guilty for lying to her. After all the woman did take her in, give her home and love her. But still, she must not worry about it now.

"It's time," Drago speaks. He looks to Sapphire and she stares back. She nods.

"Let's get this done," she thinks.

She hops onto Darkmoon and the great beast takes flight in the air. Her massive wings flapping effortlessly in the air. She makes course for the sanctuary with Drago's ship following right behind.

The journey is not that long and in a few hours, maybe 2 or 3, they arrive at the sanctuary. Drago gives Sapphire the command and she let's Darkmoon do her thing.

Darkmoon's eyes slit and she let's out a defeaning roar. The skies shake and it appears as if the whole island does too. Within moments hundreds of dragons come flying out the sanctuary. Drago's dragons are already prepared, with their metal armour, and wait for their master to give them the command. Once given the dragons attack. They fly straight at each other and try to knock the other out of the sky.

Sapphire sees a black dragon flying around helping some of the trapped dragons. Suddenly, some the traps explode and out come Astrid, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Snoulout, Fishlegs and...Eret? Sapphire can't believe what she's seeing. Eret. Stormfly. Eret is riding Stormfly.

Impossible is the word that comes to mind.

"Sapphire. Hey! Can get that trap over there?," a voice calls out.

Sapphire snaps her head to the right. Hiccup. She smirks at him.

"Hiccup! Hiccup no! She's-," Astrid tries to warn.

Too late. Sapphire turns Darkmoon towards the man and his Night Fury and Darkmoon releases a combination move of a plasma blast and lightning. To her disappointment the attack is dodged.

Hiccup stares at Sapphire in utter bewilderment. What is she doing?

"Sapphire?," Hiccup asks questioningly.

Sapphire smirks again. "I'm one of them."

"What? How? When?," he questions.

"Always," she replies simply. She attacks again and sends Hiccup descending towards the ground.

Sapphire let's Drago and Draco handle him, while she stops Hiccup's friends from helping the dragons.

"How could you?," Astrid accuses. Sapphire glares at her evilly. She never liked Astrid and Astrid never liked her. Mutual feelings. Instead, in response Darkmoon attacks. She releases a lightning blast infused with toxics. At the last second Stormfly dodges and retaliated using a Spine Shot. The attack is nothing compared to Darkmoon who easily blocks the spines with her strong wings.

Sapphire manages to steal a glance to her left and sees Valka staring at her in horror. She ignores her and continues on.

A loud piercing sound stops everyone from fighting. Down below, Toothless stalks towards Hiccup readying a powerful plasma blast. Hiccup tries to snap his friend out of it, but nothing is working. Sapphire spots Stoic, running towards the scene at full speed. Right when Toothless fires, Stoic's body replaces Hiccup's.

Shards of ice fall and a large, plump body is underneath. Hiccup looks to his friend. Toothless's mouth has smoke coming from it. Hiccup turns to his father, who lays unmoving under the large pieces of ice chunks. He runs to him and pushes the ice off, crying for his dad. Valka comes to the scene and checks for a pulse. She lays her head above Stoic's heart. Her eyes close and she the opens them looking at Hiccup. He's gone.

Toothless snaps out of his trance. The gang arrives. Astrid gets off her dragon and goes to console Hiccup. The Night Fury looks confused. Why is Hiccup crying? Why is Stoic not moving? Did I do something? Toothless slowly moves towards Stoic's unmoving body and touches him. He's cold. He sniffs his hand and then nudges the man to get up. Nothing.

"No! Get away!," Hiccup yells pushing Toothless away. Toothless looks at his master confused. What has he done? He killed Stoic. He tries to tell Hiccup that it wasn't his fault. But Hiccup won't listen. "Go! Get out of here! Go!" Toothless scamper off.

Sapphire stares for a moment.

"He shouldn't have intervened," she says to herself.

As she turns Darkmoon in a different direction, a battle cry makes her stop. She is frozen as she takes in the sight before her. Hiccup runs towards Drago and Draco with a sword in his hands. Both men turn and Draco is closest to Hiccup. Hiccup plunges the sword in Draco's chest and steps back.

A series of cries and screams ring through the air, but only three register to Sapphire. Her own, Drago's and someone else's.

Darkmoon immediately flies down to the ground. Sapphire gets off her dragon and runs to her father.

"No. No. Dad? Dad!," she calls out holding him.

Draco opens his eyes and they search everywhere before landing on her and Saga. Sapphire didn't know when Saga arrived but ignored it for now.

"Dad," Sapphire whispers.

"Shhh," he hushes her. "Be brave. Remember. You are strong," he says weakly. Draco turns to Saga,"Take care of your sisters. Stick together and keep each other safe." Lastly, he turns to his father. "It's okay, dad. Fullfill our wish. Take the dragons. Avenge me." There is nothing any of them could do. Draco is dying and they all know it. He isn't going to make it.

Sapphire silently watches her dad die before her eyes. Why? Why did it have to be him? Sure, he wasn't the world's best or greatest father but he was her's, Saga's and Heather's father. He loved them. Sapphire wants just one more day. One more day with him is all she is asking for. She may not have known him that well, but she still and will always love her father

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