Chapter one

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It's a dark and gloomy day at St. Peter's academy, the students are all sat and gathered in the school's auditorium. The loud bickering from the students can be heard from outside the hallway, as the students continue to talk, the principle slowly makes their way up onto the stage of the auditorium.

"Hello students, as you all can tell, you're gathered here today for a reason. From what we've all heard, the mayors daughter will be attending our school! It's important that you treat her with the most respect and-"

"I bet she's a snobby brat, her father should put her someplace elsewhere. She won't last a day in here!" Vann said. The whole auditorium erupted into laughter, the sudden abruption caused the students to erupt in chaos.

Vann... where do we begin with him? Vann is the schools frat boy, always loud, pulling pranks, and messing around with the teachers and the schools staff. He has a reputation, that being that he's a total party animal, every and any good party is always thrown by him. That being said, his performance in school isn't exactly the best...he's either always in detention or ditching class in the bathroom stalls.

From the corner of Vann's eye, he can see the principle fuming in anger, the two make eye contact. "That's it!" The principle yells, fast and sudden, the principle takes quick and jagged steps towards the young Norwegian boy. The sudden movement caused the students to quiet down and put their full attention towards the scene that's about to unfold in front of them.

"I've about had it up to here with your shenanigans young man!" The principle exclaims. "Now, you can either sit here silently and behave, or, you can take your attitude up to my office! Which will it be?" The principle said, faced flushed from anger. With a cocky smirk, Vann looks the principle up and down, ready to cause a scene.

"How about you make me, old man." Vann says, cocking his head back. The whole auditorium goes silent as they witness the young boy playing with life or death.
"That's it! Down to my office you go, NOW!"

As Vann makes his way up to the principles office, he starts to think to himself 'I wonder if the new girl will be popular..'tch..more than likely'. Caught up in his own thoughts, he doesn't notice the girl walking in the opposite direction of him, out of nowhere, he collides into the unknown presence.


"Hey! Watch where you're going-" Vann yells. as he lifts his head up, he makes eye contact with a pair of dark brown doe eyes. "Oh I'm sorry, I should be more careful" she says. She slowly stands up and puts her hand out for Vann to grasp onto. "Here, take my hand, let me help you get-" the unknown girl was rudely cut off by vann mid sentence.

"I don't need your hand, I'm perfectly capable of getting up by myself" vann coldly says. An awkward silence fills the hallway, just as the brown eyed girl was about to speak, a higher pitched voice beats her to it.

"Oh my, is that you maya?!" The higher pitched voice exclaims. ''s that one annoying girl..marilyn was it?' Vann thinks to himself, rolling his eyes. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you in forever! I can't believe we're seeing each other again-" Marilyn rambles, getting cut off by vann with a much more ruthless tone.

"Ugh will you shut it? I've about had it with hearing females bicker.." Vann says. Marilyn just ignores him as she's already used to people getting annoyed when she rambles on and on. "'s such a pleasure seeing you here! Hand me your schedule so I can show you to your classes!" Marilyn says, energy beaming out of her.

And just like that, the two girls were gone. Walking down the hall, Vann thinks to himself 'sigh..I must admit, that maya girl, she has a charm to her..'

End of chapter one
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