Snow day

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Wrote this one because I love winter and am missing the snow😖

Me and my girlfriend decided that today was going to be our day to relax together since we barley get too anymore. We've both been busy with work and haven't really gotten time to be an actual couple.

I mean it's completely understandable that our managers would want us to work more around this time since it's almost the holidays.

But I do miss spending time with her.

Currently we're on the couch with a big blanket covering our bodies. My head is on her lap while she's sitting up with her back against the couch and running her fingers through my hair.

The room is dimly lit with a couple of scented candles being place on the coffee table in front of us. The swishing noises of the heavy wind hitting the windows made the mood even better.

"Baby?" I said. She hummed in response while still paying attention to the TV. "What time is it?"

She pulled out her phone to check the time. I couldn't help but notice the cute but also embarrassing photo of me as her wallpaper.

It was a photo of me holding a big bouquet of flowers with my hand over my mouth. Nearly looking like I'm about to sob (I did) She had surprised me with flowers that day while I was working.


"Oh my god we've been watching this show for 6 hours." I said as I giggled.

"Well you didn't want to finish watching the walking dead with me so.." She responded, side eyeing me.

"Because it's too sad! It's like every time I genuinely start to like a character they just end up dying!" I protested. She giggled at how serious I got.

"But you'd rather watch a show about cannibals?" She paused. "Come on now, babe."

"Yellowjackets is not ALL about cannibals!" I sat up from my position now sitting up and staring at her.

She rolled her eyes with a slight smile. That damn smile that I loved so much.

"You're so cute when you try to be serious." She said.

"And you're annoying." I said trying to hide my smile. How does she make me so giddy for her so quickly?

I suddenly felt her soft hand on my chin trying to turn my head to look at her. "Come here." She patted her lap.

I stare at her for a couple seconds to see if I should give in. Her head tilts to the side and she gives me a 'please' type of look.

Obviously I give in with a heavy sigh. She's just too cute to resist.

Once i'm straddling her, her hands make their way to my waist. I try to ignore the burst of butterflies I get in my stomach.

My hands go to both sides her cheeks. My thumbs slightly rubbing them. I take the time to admire her every feature.

Everything about her is perfect from the inside and out. I'm so glad I can call her mine.

"You're so effortlessly pretty, Baby." She said while getting lost in my eyes. Again, I try to hide the big smile I had on my face by looking to the side. I love how she makes me feel.

I will never understand how she can call me pretty when I literally look a bump right now.

"Stop." I said still looking to the side.

"But it's true. I love that pretty smile of yours too."

At this point I might go feral.

"Look at me, Pretty." She said.

At this point i'm biting my lip to contain my big goofy smile. When I look back at her she's admiring me with most loving eyes ever. As if she was still admiring me even though I was looking away.

She leans in to put her soft lips on mine for a kiss. Her hands still on my waist trying to pull our bodies as close as possible. My arms now around her neck.

My head tilts to the side to get deeper into the loving and gentle kiss. I hum as I feel her slowly put her tongue into the kiss. The smacking sound of our lips echo through the living room.

Small moments like these are the ones that I really don't take for granted. I love spending time with her.

Suddenly, I feel something fuzzy get in between us. We quickly pull away and look down to see what it is.

"Oh, Hi luna. What's wrong?" She said to our black cat looking up at us. Luna is such a clingy cat which is exactly why I love her.

Sometimes she likes to be alone but most of the times she'll be cuddling with my girlfriend in the bed, the couch, and even the floor the sometimes. She follows her everywhere. I guess that's reasonable since she's still only a kitten. We've had her for 6 months.

Sometimes I feel like she secretly hates me... My girlfriend denies it of course.

Within 30 seconds I'm off her lap and being replaced by Luna. She's giving her pets while Luna 'meows' at her.

"Baby.." I whined. "Do you see what I'm talking about? Clearly she wants you all to herself." I dramatically sigh. She playfully rolls her eyes and looks at me.

"My love, Luna does not hate you. She's just... Picky?"

"Yeah right." I rolled my eyes with my arms crossed.

Am I jealous of a cat? Maybe. Call me crazy all you want.

Luna crawls off of her lap and makes her way to me. I'm surprised so I pause to see what she's going to do. She purs and rubs her head on my hand asking for pets.

I'm honestly so surprised.

"See I told you, Babe." She said in an enthusiastic voice.

I give her pets with a big smile on my face. I then look at the corner on my eye to see her taking a picture of us. I don't mind.

"Baby, Oh my god, Look!" She suddenly said while pointing to the patio door.

I look up at the door. The curtains were open and I could see at least 2 layers of snow on the ground with snow still falling.

"It's snowing!" I excitedly said while jumping up from the couch. My head turns to look at my girlfriend.

"Can we please please go outside?" I asked her. She pretended to think for a moment.

"Last one outside has to cook dinner!" She jumped up from the couch and started running towards the stairs. Me following far behind.

"That's not fair!"


I was the last one outside...obviously.

We played in the snow throwing snow balls at each other and making snow angels. We kissed under the street lights like no one was watching. We slipped a couple of times.

Mostly her

She's so silly.


I just started watching Yellowjackets. I'm only on episode one but I like it so far.

Also I know this was barely about the snow it's self sorry I was going to make the end longer but I didn't want this to be too long.

Anyway, Hope you enjoyed!

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