Sage (+ Hatsune Miku?!?!!)

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Good day west end nation how are we feeling today

I haven't drawn Sage in like err... *Checks notes* A month?

So, deciding to feed you CREATURES I decided to draw him again (Yay!!)

Okay now watch me start yapping about my silly thoughts about this guy

Okay now watch me start yapping about my silly thoughts about this guy

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British Sage has been stuck in my head for 2 days at this point.

I can't stop imagining how, when he gets mad his accent starts getting heavier to the point NOBODY can understand him and it's just him yelling out absolute nonsense. It's to the point where reader has to translate for him LOLLL

Also hey I sort of redesigned him.

ORIGINALLY the s on his chain (?) was supposed to be like, a dollar sign...but I kind of had a change of plans.... (Sighh maybe one day)

Plus a little bonus

Sage and Hatsune Miku collab when?!?! (/j

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Sage and Hatsune Miku collab when?!?! (/j.../hj?)

Sage is Hatsune Miku's biggest fan guys.

Also I think they'd get along well.

Anyways that's all for my insane rambling lmao

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