Chapter 1

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So guys, Im kind of better now, so manage to make chapter 1, and i was getting sleepy making this so its not that specific and

Anyways! Next chapter, ill try my best to make it very interesting...ehehhee!

Also, if you guys have ideas for chapter 2, i will gladly make it possible.

Please enjoy and have fun!

Lets get on with the chapter!


Two weeks had passed since Captain Hektor assigned Detective Jenna Ortega the task of uncovering the truth behind Emma Myers.

In that time, Jenna had immersed herself in the investigation, poring over every detail and following every lead with relentless determination.

Her office was strewn with papers-surveillance photos, transcripts of intercepted communications, and maps of suspected hideouts.

Jenna had mapped out Emma Myers' known associates and started cross-referencing them with recent criminal activities.


On a particularly rainy Tuesday morning, Jenna sat at her desk, her eyes fixed on a corkboard covered in photos and notes. She tapped her pen against her chin, deep in thought, when there was a knock on her door.

"Come in," Jenna called out, not taking her eyes off the board.

The door swung open, and Hunter Doohan, Jenna's partner, stepped inside with a steaming cup of coffee.

"Morning, Jenna," Hunter said, handing her the cup.

Jenna looked up, offering a grateful smile. "Thanks, Hunter. What's the latest?"

Hunter glanced at the cluttered desk, his brow furrowing slightly. "You've been at this non-stop. Any breakthroughs?"

Jenna took a sip of the coffee, savoring the warmth. "Getting closer, I think. Look at this," she gestured towards the corkboard.

"I've identified a pattern in the recent bank heists linked to Emma. It seems they're targeting specific branches in different districts, but there's something connecting them."

Hunter studied the board intently, nodding in agreement. "You think it's a message? Like they're trying to tell us something?"

Jenna nodded thoughtfully. "Could be. I'm also digging deeper into Emma's past. I've got a lead on a former associate-someone who might know more about her whereabouts."

Hunter raised an eyebrow. "You think they'll talk?"

Jenna shrugged. "Only one way to find out."

Just then, Captain Hektor's voice boomed from down the hall.

"Ortega, my office. Now."

Jenna exchanged a quick glance with Hunter before heading towards the captain's office.

As she entered, Captain Hektor looked up from his desk, his expression unreadable.

"Sit down, Ortega," he said, motioning towards a chair.

Jenna took a seat, her curiosity piqued. "What's up, Captain?"

Captain Hektor leaned forward, his eyes piercing. "We've had a development. A potential witness has come forward-someone claiming to have insider knowledge on Emma Myers."

Jenna's heart quickened. "Who is it?"

Captain Hektor slid a file across the desk towards Jenna. "Meet with this informant. Get whatever you can out of them. We need solid intel to move forward."

Jenna nodded, her mind already racing with possibilities. "Consider it done, Captain."

As Jenna left the office, she felt a surge of anticipation. This could be the breakthrough they needed-the key to unraveling the mystery of Emma Myers and dismantling the Clover Mafia once and for all.

Back at her desk, Jenna grabbed her coat and headed out, her steps purposeful. She was determined to uncover the truth, no matter where the trail led.

The rain continued to fall outside, but inside Jenna's mind, a storm of determination raged. The hunt for Emma Myers was intensifying, and Detective Jenna Ortega was ready to chase down every lead, follow every clue, and confront the shadows lurking in the city's underbelly.

After a few minutes, Jenna arrived at a dimly lit café where she was to meet the informant.

She spotted a man sitting in a secluded corner, nervously glancing around. This had to be him.

"Are you the informant?" Jenna asked, sliding into the seat opposite him.

The man looked up, startled. "Y-yes. You must be Detective Ortega."

Jenna nodded. "Let's cut to the chase. What do you know about Emma Myers?"

The man hesitated, then leaned in, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I used to work for her-doing jobs, running errands. She's dangerous, Detective. More than you can imagine."

Jenna leaned forward, her eyes locked on his. "Where can I find her?"

The informant glanced around nervously. "I...I don't know where she is now. But she's got eyes and ears everywhere. You have to be careful."

Jenna pressed on, her voice firm. "Tell me everything you know. It could save lives."

The informant took a deep breath and began to speak, revealing a web of criminal activities orchestrated by Emma Myers and the Clover Mafia. Jenna listened intently, jotting down notes as the informant divulged valuable information.

After what seemed like hours, Jenna finally leaned back, digesting everything she had learned. The pieces of the puzzle were starting to come together, but there was still much left uncovered.

"Thank you," Jenna said, handing the informant her card. "If you remember anything else, don't hesitate to contact me."

The informant nodded, his expression fraught with fear. "Be careful, Detective. Emma Myers is not someone you want to mess with."

As Jenna left the café, her mind buzzed with new leads and insights. She returned to her office, more determined than ever to bring Emma Myers to justice.

Late into the night, Jenna sifted through the new information, connecting dots and drawing up plans.

The hunt for the Clover Mafia was far from over, but Jenna knew she was getting closer.

As the city slept, Detective Jenna Ortega worked tirelessly, driven by a relentless pursuit of truth and justice.

The rain continued to fall outside, but inside Jenna's office, a fire burned

-a fire that would not be extinguished until Emma Myers was behind bars and the shadows of the Clover Mafia were dispelled for good.

And so, with unwavering resolve, Detective Jenna Ortega prepared for the next phase of the investigation, knowing that each step brought her closer to unraveling the mystery that had eluded law enforcement for so long.



CHAPTER 1!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways! So guys, thank you for supporting me btw with everything.

Ill try my very best to impress every one of you guys, so thank you again!

Ill post a chapter every saturday or sunday, since im very busy in school and I cant focus on my studies if i make my stories on weekdays so yeah!

Ill start making chapter 2 on friday night because i sleep like 12:30am.

So uhuh! Thank you very much again and see you next chapter..

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