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There once was a woman

Who's body was cursed

If she dare bear a child,

It will die before it's birth

Through madness he kept,

The monster of dark,

He promised a child

To ease the woman's heart.

A daughter at last!

She wept with joy

Not knowing at once,

She was just his toy.


Lazari's mother was dead. Dead as can be. She stepped into the road. It didn't matter much now. She had died, and lazari didn't do anything to prevent it. She sat, and watched her mom die.

She sat, and watched her mom die.

What a horrible daughter she had to be.

"I'm sorry Mama!" Was all she could muster out in her cries, holding onto her mother's chest.

She was long gone. And her last words were that lazari did this

She was a bad daughter.

A shadow loomed over the girls weeping frame. A long, menacing tentacle emerged from its back, and tangled itself around her small body. Lazari screamed and kicked as she was hoisted into the air

He was faceless. Instead of eyes and a nose and mouth, it was almost...smooth. though his skin was dented where the facial features would go like a mask. He was some sort of freak of nature, a demon perhaps

Lazari was helpless. But something inside drove her to sinking her teeth into the limb that held her captive and punching out. Her teeth were like a thousand needles and punctured deep and cleanly like a surgeons blade. And it sure bled like it

"Child." It spoke, and she froze. Did... It couldn't of spoke....it had no mouth...it couldn't of spoken!

"You are not human. Are you?"

Lazari choked back tears, pulling her teeth out its flesh "M-my mom. She said-"

"She is dead, child. Your alone, now."

She silent as the monster confirmed that this wasnt some sick dream. Eerily quiet tears rolled down her face "My mama is dead."

And he took her away.


He brought her to a shabby little mansion. If you could even call it an mansion. It would of been a wonderful and magical place if lazaris mother wasn't dead now. She could only weep weakly as she was sat on a couch.

She smelt blood.

"Jack! Get the first aid! The poor girl is bleeding!" A androgynous voice called out as the monster left. A man with stitches lining his face took her hand, examining now painful cuts "Shh..it's only a few scraps, you'll end up just fine"

A blue mask entered her vision, bringing sharp pain as peroxide was worked into the many cuts from throwing herself onto the road when her mother had-

"Ouch! Owowow!" Lazari cried out

"You took a nasty fall didn't you?" The mystery man tried to soothe her "You don't need stitches though! We don't got any...well... aesthetic around here. So, consider yourself lucky"

"Stitches?.." she looked at him with tear filled eyes "that's for blankets..."

That got a laugh out the two

"No sweetie, sometimes when a cut goes deep enough, we put thread through it so it heals without a big scar" he pointed to his own stitched up face "My big brother had uh...a moment. He wasn't doing ok. Not then. So I have them"

She only stared blankly. Still with that pathetic look.

"Uh...my name is Liu. Liu woods. That there in the mask is Jack. He's like the doctor of these woods! He doesn't live in slendys house though. Almost none of us do."

The man lazari assumed was Jack flicked his long lion-like tail "I do not. It's a 20 mile walk. I'd be halfway done if the boss didn't insist about this kid."

A pang of guilt rang through lazari's body. They should of been home, not here trying to clean her up

The hell of wound cleaning ended shortly thereafter. Someone got lazari a pair of unripped and unbloodied clothes (simple jeans and a T-shirt with cat print. Very simple compared to the traditional clothes her mother would only buy), and she was alone in a spare bedroom. Her hair was braided neatly by Liu, who insisted she have nice hair instead of the 'rats nest' she came with

What drove everyone to care so much? This..felt like spoiling. Nobody gave lazari this much attention to her physical health before

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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