Chapter 1

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I know I usually give my chapters names but with this I'm trying to get these to be at least 1000 words meaning a lot of things will happen so I can't really pick a name. Anyways. Hi, I'm Sienna, if ur new to reading my stories welcome and if you've read some of my works before it's good to have you back and I hope you've enjoyed any of things you've read under my name. I saw one of these stories (it's the only one tbh) and thought 'this is a good idea I want to make my own, fuck the other 28 stories I'm doing!' So here we are, if you like a part of this please comment and vote it doesn't cost nothing except a little time! I'm going to have 3 different POVs in this, Sophie's will be marked with a Tilde (~), Darrel's will be an underscore (_) and Alicia's will be a greater/less than symbol (<) (I will occasionally have another POV and those will be marked with the persons name). And without further ado, let's start this fanfic!
(P.S.the first chapter usually sucks so please wait until the end of chapter 2 or 3 (when she arrives) before u decide whether to keep reading or not!)

I stood tapping my foot in anticipation while my knuckles rapped sharply on the circular door that was the entrance to Watchward Heath.

Again no answer. I sighed in great annoyance and decided to take matters into my own hands.

My hand found it's way into my pocket, grabbing out one of Dex's mini bombs.

I fingered the sleek ball before tossing in at the door and walked back quickly.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1. BOOM!

I smirked and walked into Mr Forkle's secret hide out, discovering the little bitch sitting at his desk, eyes wide in bewilderment.

"What do you want?" I asked bluntly, plopping down in a chair and studying my nails.

"U- um," He spluttered, still in shock, "*Deep clearing of throat* Miss Foster, due to recent events we have decided that it's high time you go somewhere safer."

"WHAT WHERE?!" I shouted.

"An all girls boarding school called Mallory Towers in Cornwall," He replied simply. Safari came in clutch.

"You're sending me to an all girls boarding school in the Forbidden Cities because you think it's safe?" I inquired.

I looked up from my nails and stared him hard in the face as he tried to think of a good reply that wouldn't allow me to disagree.

He obviously couldn't find anything because his answer was simple, "Yes, the Neverseen will have a hard time finding you if you're in the country, not even in the Lost Cities."

"I mean there are a ton of holes in that plan but ok. New, year, new me, new place!" I said optimistically.

"Bye, I'm gonna go pack, I assume you've given Edaline the list?" At the mention of my adoptive mother's name I smiled internally.

Maybe she'll make me some Mallowmelt to take!

Mr Forkle nodded and I held my home crystal up to the light, letting it whisk me away to Havenfield.

                       ~Time skip dedicated to Sokeefe because it's the best KotLC ship (you don't agree come fight me!)~

I burst through the doors to the house (more like a mansion) that I called home. Can anyone else relate to the fact that I HATE writing first chapters, like I just wanna get into it but the first chapter is so important like it makes or breaks the book

I raced up to my room and pulled a suitcase out of my wardrobe.

"EDALINE!" I yelled down the stairs.

"Yes Sophie?" She answered.

Sophie Foster attends Mallory TowersWhere stories live. Discover now