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Good Morning.” Someone came to the playroom one morning as Nara was tidying things up. She greeted him back and went for a hug. “I got hot chocolate and an avocado and egg bagel sandwich for your breakfast. I even bought a few snacks from the bakery for the boys.” He gave her a couple of paper bags with the pastries and hot beverage after pulling away from the hug. “Yours is the one with the puppy sticker.”

“You remember my go to breakfast. Thank you, 오빠.” She went to the pantry to put the items on the counter, before returning back to him. “I also bought you some chicken pot pies and latte for breakfast. Also a few for the guys.” She handed him a couple of paper bags. “Yours is the one with the flower sticker.” He giggled as she handed them to him.

“I didn’t know we were doing a trading system today.” The two chuckled and Nara nodded. “Well.. I better go to the practice room now. Don’t want to be late. Thanks for the breakfast.” They embraced one more time and he left after a few goodbyes. “I almost forgot... Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?” His sudden comeback startled Nara and he apologised.

“I would love to, 오빠.” She answered and he smiled, silently cheering in his head.

“Pick you up at 7?” He asked again and Nara nodded. “Have a nice day at work.” He added, which made her giggle and nodded again. “You too, 오빠 and be careful at practice.”

“Mama!!” The Littles shouted as they ran inside and tackled her to the floor, making the caregiver giggled before giving them a kiss on the cheeks

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“Mama!!” The Littles shouted as they ran inside and tackled her to the floor, making the caregiver giggled before giving them a kiss on the cheeks. “Good Morning!!”

“Good Morning, my babies.” Nara gently took sleeping Jaemin from Taeyong before greeting the leader too. “Nana fell asleep on the way here.” Taeyong said to her and she nodded as he gave her, Jaemin’s bag.

“Kun and Ten will be taking them home later.” He added and she nodded again.

"So... I haven’t seen you in a week. Were you busy?” She asked and Taeyong let out a nervous laugh.

“Y-yeah... I’m releasing another mini album and it took so much of my time from the boys.” Nara nodded again, making the leader nod back. The 형line never told her anything about Taeyong going through therapy and they want to keep it that way. They didn’t even tell the Littles as they knew the Littles would eventually blur it out to her accidentally.

“Don’t push yourself too hard. Take a break once in a while, ok? You don’t want to burn out again.” She reminded the leader and he just nodded before patting her head. “I will, Nana.” The leader nodded again before leaving.

“Ok.. Who wants to go see Nini?” Nara asked the Littles, making them stop playing to raise up their hands. Nara giggled at their reaction into seeing her mother and nodded. “We’ll leave after this, ok?”

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