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‼️TW: sex scene

The front door hadn't even clicked shut when Elle put her hands on Joe's cheeks and pulled him down to her for a passionate kiss. She pressed her body against his as she kicked the shoes off her feet.

Joe had had his hand on her thigh the whole way back from the club in the Uber and the heat rising through her body had almost driven her crazy. first the making out at the club, then this, Joe had never held her off this long before.

However, Ja'Marr had been in the car as well as the driver, otherwise Elle would probably have ripped his clothes off there and then. So she had had to wait until they were finally alone.

Their lips were still glued to each other while Joe pulled Elle's top out of her pants and greedily ran his hands over the warm skin of her stomach. Elle grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him backwards towards the couch, onto which she pushed him and immediately threw herself onto him again.

Before their lips crashed together again, Elle pulled off her top and threw it on the coffee table while Joe stroked her still clothed ass cheeks to her thighs and pushed her legs even further apart so that she slid off his thighs and was now kneeling right over his lap.

"Fuck, baby," he groaned, sliding his hands into the pockets of her pants so he could grind against her body. Elle put her lips to his neck and began to caress it as she ran her hands under Joe's shirt, slowly pulling the fabric further and further up his body.

When she reached his shoulders, Joe lifted his arms briefly so that she could remove the shirt before placing her lips on his again. They both moaned passionately into the kiss as Joe continued to grind against Elle. at the same time, he tampered with Elle's pants. The space in his was getting tighter by the second and he desperately needed to do something about it.

Elle helped him pull one pant leg after the other off her body without letting go of the kiss and when Joe finally threw her pants over the couch, she immediately set about unzipping his pants.

When she had the belt and button undone, she slowly slipped her hand into his boxers. "Oh my God," Joe breathed in with a groan as she wrapped her hand around his dick. "oh my fucking god" it came over his lips again as she slowly began to move up and down. He lay his head back and stroked his hair, his eyes closed, his mouth slightly open.

Elle slowly leaned forward and placed kisses on the back of Joe's neck, before slowly moving further and further down his body, kissing him all over.

The further she moved down, the more she let herself slide off the couch until she was finally sitting between Joe's legs.

She pulled his boxers and jeans down to his ankles in one, while she licked her lips in anticipation. Joe had lifted his head again by now and watched excitedly as Elle put her hand around his dick again and threw her hair behind her shoulder with the other hand.

She leaned forward and put her lips around the tip, letting her tongue glide over it at the same time and Joe drew in a sharp breath. "Fuck," he groaned and reached his hand up to grab Elle's hair. He wrapped it around his hand, but left Elle in control.

She raised her head and looked him straight in the eye as she very slowly took his cock deeper into her mouth. Joe had to force himself not to close his eyes and maintain eye contact with her. It felt far too good, the way her mouth wrapped around him, the way her tongue glided around his cock.

Add to that Elle's wide eyes staring at him from below. The lust reflected in them, while her boobs bounced slightly in her bra with every movement. Everything was far too arousing and he soon realized that his first orgasm wouldn't have to wait much longer.

He increased the pressure he was exerting on Elle's head and pushed her gaze up towards him a little more. "You wanna finish it?" he asked her and Elle let him know with a few blinks that she wanted to. "Good girl," he grinned and stroked her cheek.

When he felt his orgasm coming, he put his head back with a groan and pressed Elle's head onto his dick. "Stay down and take it, baby," he growled excitedly before he groaned loudly and Elle felt the warm fluid pour into her mouth.

"Oh, fuck," Joe let go of her hair and leaned back on the couch as Elle very slowly pulled her mouth off his cock. She closed her mouth, swallowed the warm liquid and grabbed a tissue from the table to wipe her mouth clean.

She then turned with a grin to Joe, who was still sitting naked on the couch. She swung herself over one of his thighs and slowly began to grind on it. A moan escaped her lips, causing Joe to open his eyes.

With a grin on his lips, he watched as his girlfriend rested one hand on the back of the sofa and the other on his thigh and rode his thigh.

Even through her panties he could feel the warmth of her center and very slowly he let his hands wander up her back until he reached the clasp of her bra, which he opened with ease and slipped off her shoulders.

As Elle moaned and slid back and forth on Joe's thigh, he leaned forward and buried his face in her breasts, kissing, licking, biting into the soft, warm skin, while Elle moaned and released her hand from the couch and pressed Joe's head harder against her body.

"oh, Joe," she moaned as she increased the pace and felt his hot, aroused breath against her skin. "oh my god" she clawed at his hair as he lightly bit her breast, but immediately covered the spot with kisses afterwards.

She closed her eyes, wrapped her second arm around Joe's shoulder as well and grinded harder and harder against his body. Her moans became more intense and she pushed Joe away from her body and let her lips crash against his as her whole body began to heat up until finally the fulfilling feeling of her orgasm shot through her.

A little out of breath, she broke away from Joe and stepped out of her panties before reaching into the drawer of the small side table and pulling out a condom. she tore open the wrapper and knelt between Joe's legs.

Very slowly, she stroked the condom over his already aroused dick before standing up and kneeling over Joe's lap again. She felt his erection on the inside of her thigh as she looked at Joe and stroked his cheek with a smile.

"Ready?" she asked him, propping herself up on his shoulder as she took his dick in her hand and positioned it at her entrance. "Ever since we arrived at the club tonight" Joe replied with a smile.

Elle laughed before leaning forward and placing her lips on Joe's and then very slowly lowering her hips and taking Joe inside her. They both moaned excitedly into the kiss as Elle very slowly began to raise and lower her hips.

Joe's hands clawed at her ass cheeks, kneading them, while his lips moved to the crook of her neck and began to suck on her skin. She tilted her head back slightly, letting her hair and boobs sway with the rhythm of her hips as she buried one hand in Joe's hair and clawed his back with the other.

The moaning breath mixed with the smacking sound of Joe's caress and the light slapping of skin on skin filled the silence of the house. They said nothing, didn't speak a word, but at the same moment they both felt the intimacy, the depth of their emotions as they made love to each other on the couch.

Now delayed by a few seconds, they both reached their orgasm. Elle clawed deep into the skin of Joe's back as her whole body tensed. Joe thrust his hips upwards to push himself as deep as he could into Elle as he bit lightly into her shoulder in excitement.

Elle was aware of Joe's orgasm as the relief and warmth of her own also shot through her body, pulling all the tension of the day out with it. exhausted, she collapsed onto Joe's torso, who immediately put his arms around her and pressed a kiss to her temple.

"You were incredible. I love you," he whispered to her as Elle wrapped her arms around his torso, breathing heavily.

one sunday closer to football yeayyyyyyyy


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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