chapter 3 (meeting Foxy)

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~Flash back~
'Damn she must'v forgotten to check pirates cove'
~End Of Flash Back~

~3rd person~

You were walking back to your chair after opening the left door when you were pushed by something. You fell to the ground with a yelp escaping your mouth.
"Foxy don't hurt Y/N!" Chica said worriedly.

You looked up to see a boy who was probably Foxy. He had red hair long enough to be in a low pony, fair skin, fox ears and had yellow eyes. He wore a torn brown under shirt, a long black coat with gold lining the collar all the way to the bottom like what pirates wear, a handkerchief neatly placed around his neck, some brown pants and pirate boots(you know what just look at the picture). He sighed

"wasn't goin ta. just came ta meet the lass. heard Bonnie say she was a real beaut...and the lad was right"he said winking at you.

you quickly looked away from him hoping he didn't see your blush. After you got up you hesitantly opened the right door and got tackled into a hug by chica

"can't...b-breath" you said

"oops sorry" Chica said apologetically

~Your POV~

They didn't seem like they were going to kill me or their just trying to trick me into thinking they don't want to kill me... no they would've killed me already. The what do they want.

"Um lass are ye OK" Foxy said waving his hand in front of my face

"um y-yeah in was just wandering why you g-guys haven't killed me yet" i said nervously.

Chica grinned childishly and said

" I thought we could be friends"

Foxy bushed and looked away saying

"well um as i said before ye be just to cute"

~Foxy's POV~

'why aint i able to kill the lass i could kill any other lass that walks into this office so why not her' i thought to me self. I stared at her intently the lass must of felt me eyes on her cause she turned around and said

"why are you s-staring at me"

"um well... oh look at that it's almost 6 o'clock i must get going now" i said and ran out of the room

"so you didn't kill her... i couldn't either" i heard Bonnie say from behind me

"shut up" i growled

then all of a sudden the 6 o'clock bell rang and Y\N ran out of the restaurant.

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