Found him(finally);-;

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                                                                         ~{Three days later ;-;(lazy) }~

                                  They are in the throne hall/room by the way, and Rosie is a side character.

Cuphead :

[_] [_] Boring, that's all I could say, boring. I can't help but keep thinking about this cute little demon. I was doing my usual boring chores has prince or I don't know. Mugman was right next to me and men, it seems like his bored too. I clearly doesn't see anything interesting happening, right ? "Yours majesty's !!!"'Yes, guard ?', asked my relative turning up to face him. "We found a peasant steeling a canned of bacon soup !" " We brought him here to face you before throwing him in the donjon, your majesty !" Me and my little brother looked at each other a bit concerned, doesn't this was a little too harsh to lock someone up just for a stealing ? Alright, show us this stealer, I replied. But when I saw him showing me the stealer, my eye widened of surprise, and my siblings said what I was thinking : 'A demon ?'

RELEASED HIM !!!!!! I shouted before my blood could took a turn.

No one pov:

"What",replied the guard, what do you mean, by releasing him ?- And stop moving you worthless commoner !" Screamed the guard meanwhile struggling keeping the demon in place,

'I've SAID RELEASED HIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Replied the prince meanwhile getting up from his throne.


What ? I replied to myself, why did the prince asked his guard to release me ?'What are you waiting for?' He replied (Man, how many release/replied I've put you thinks.)The guard shakes a little bit meanwhile releasing me. I was still the under shock of why the prince seemed to...Protecting me ? And I was shaking a little bit, because I was scared."Look, because of you he is terrified now !!" Complained the second prince, scolding the guard. "This is the opposite of what we want him to feel, here !" He complemented. He then walked in MY direction, which scared me because I have thought he would punish me himself. But no. He just glared at the guard to step back and looked at me with a welcoming look on his face. " I am sorry for his behavior, we will make sure they doesn't disturbing you." He then suddenly stooping down to my size. "Now, how about we lead you to a place where you will be safe ?" 

                                                ¥ Mugman ¥

I looked at him with the most reassuring face I was capable of, meanwhile waiting for his answer.   He then looked at me and nodded. I get up and ordered a few guard to lead us to the safe place.  

  I can't believe it !!!!!!! I am walking next to the LAST DEMON OF THE WORLD !!!!!!!!! I can almost contain my excitement ! I wanna ask him soooo many questions, but I will wait to be alone with or at least with my brother. I can't help but keep looking at him, his hair seem soooooo fluffy ! He also look kinda cute.But he seem sooooo anxious and nervous. He doesn't seem safe around those guards. Do not worry little demon, you are now safe with us ! We will make sure nothing happen to you ^u^.   


I hope this is the last time you dare put your filthy hands on him and treat him like he was worthless, right ? I asked the guard who terrorized my demon, 'Y-yes your highness, t-this will be the last ti-time. He responded me meanwhile shaking, I was really mad at him because he doesn't just given a bad impression of his new home, but he also forced me to raise my voice and look scary at the eye of my crush ! I really hope he is doesn't scared of me, this is really awkward !                                         

                                           Sorry, sorry guys. I know this is only short chapter, but you had to understand that's I am now working on note one or two but three books !!!! Yes, this is not publish, I will publish it when it will had at least two chapter. And I am working on my first book to publish the new part, hope you understand bye and YANNA_BEARY THANKS AGAIN FOR YOU SUPPORT!!!!!!!

Prince Cuphead x Performer/Paysant BendyWhere stories live. Discover now