A promise

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Zoe and their mother had been driving for over half an hour and Zoe was bored. She started off counting the number of yellow cars that passed and then switched to red when the number wasn't rising. Neither her nor the other woman in the car were speaking, so the car was filled with an awkward silence; You know, that odd type of silence when you and your fake mum are travelling to a location unknown to you with nothing but a bag of wires and technical gear... "So... what's your real name?" Zoe waited a minute. "Or not... what can I call you?"
"Mum, mother, mama. I don't really care which." Her 'mama' replied. "Oh. I meant like... never mind. Where are we going?" She asked instead. Her 'mum' replied by telling her the plan. They were going to meet some men and she was going to be look out, hence the need for hacking and fake camera glasses. She would need to hack into the security cameras around the area and watch out for any unexpected guests. Not easy but not exactly the most difficult thing she's had to do.

"What about Dasha and Evelina? Is our father picking them up?" She wondered if they were walking back; walking home - even in mid day - wasn't safe, even if both girls are trained killers and that Evelina could easily kill sometime with her bare fists. "How long will we be there?" Silence again. Huffing, she turned up the radio and switched it to some music. "What kind of music do you like?" Silence. Zoe found a song that reminded her of when she was little. She wasn't sure who sung it, or the name of it, but it reminded her of the times she and Dasha used to play in the park together. "How am I meant to be your daughter if we can't even hold a conversation?" She mumbled. Her mother sighed and decided that talking to a bored teenagers perhaps wasn't the worst the thing in the world, "I've never listened to much music."  "Huh... are you a widow?" Zoe blurted out, though she already knew the answer. Her mother didn't say anything in reply, so she changed the topic. "What's your favourite Disney movie? I liked big hero 6 and um that one with the emotions."  "I guess Snow White."  Snow White: the movie they were forced to watch on repeat to learn languages, it's how she learnt Russian and French and partly Norwegian. She stayed quiet after that.


Laura: hey Nat, you haven't messaged lately. Everything okay?
Laura: 1 missed call
Natasha: sorry, been busy. Random question
Laura: it's ok, just call when you're not please. And yea?
Natasha: When you guys let Yelena and me stay with you at the farm, we had nightmares and panic attacks
Laura: have you been having them again? Or Yelena?
Natasha: what did you do to help? I remember you somehow always knew how to calm us down.
Laura: are you sure you and Yelena are okay?
Laura: well, neither of you wanted to talk about it so we mostly just sat outside and watched the sky. When Yelena started to trust me, she let me hug her and comfort her. You liked to go on drives, if that helps. Oh and Yelena liked to help cook and bake, to be helpful. Panic attacks were different. Hugging helped but other than that me or Clint would just sit with you talking.
Natasha: thanks, that's a lot of help :)

Eliza and her sister were sitting in the corner, Diane colouring and Eliza taking a drink break. Natasha checked the time to realise they still had over an hour left of the lesson: they had managed to do everything she wanted to practice way faster than she had planned. She looked at the two girls, "Diane?" She asked, watching as the small girl turned away from her scribbling. "Yes?" Diane replied as her eyes scanned the room. "Do you want to dance with us? I thought maybe you two would want to learn a duet." Natasha could tell they weren't biologically sister but wondered whether they were still sisters like her and Yelena or were just put together for the mission. Widows were trained to work against each other, not with, so she decided to that she would teach them a jazz duet she has choreographed a while ago; they needed to know they could be friends - not just opponents. "I don't have dance clothes." Diane's voice broke her train of thought. "You can wear what you have. We can go find some spare shoes, I keep a few pairs in the back." Natasha saw Diane's hesitancy. 'We'll only be a few minutes, I promise."
"Okay..." Diane muttered, standing up and walking over to her.

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