Chapter 6 - This night is sparkling, don't you let it go

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"Here you go."


Tori handed her a much needed steaming cup of coffee. People might say it's not a great drink choice right now, being so late at night, but coffee doesn't even have that much effect on her anymore, so, in a true Jade fashion: 'screw what people say'.

The hot liquid cascaded down her throat, instantly making her whole body relax, and she suppressed the satisfied noise that threatened to leave her.

Taking a deep breath, Jade adjusted herself on Tori's bed, briefly closing her eyes and finally letting herself, mind and body, relax after an incredibly stressful week. She ignored the feeling of another body climbing in the bed with her. She knew Tori was a big flirt, but even she wouldn't do anything like that right now.

They stayed in silence for a while. Eventually, Tori grabbed her phone and started mindlessly scrolling through her TheSlap feed, making sure to turn off the volume so as to not disturb, and possibly anger, Jade.

Truth be told, Tori was... conflicted.

As much as she liked Jade (romantically), and would do anything to have even a shot with her, she was always painfully aware of where the invisible boundaries were and what she could and couldn't do. Just a few days ago, Jade was Beck's girlfriend, and crushing on a friend's partner is an unspoken "not-to-do" in a friend group, so she tried to convince herself that it would pass, that these feelings would go away eventually. She would never steal Jade away from Beck and do something that threatened their friendship. It was just something that Tori would never do.

Yet there she was. Comforting Jade after her breakup with Beck, giving her coffee and a warm place to relax. Tori couldn't help but feel that flimsy candle called 'hope' begin to burn in the deepness of her heart. Don't misunderstand her, she'd hate to be any kind of rebound to anyone, but how could she idly sit by when Jade needed someone the most?

So she ignored her conscience, who screamed that what she was doing was wrong, and stayed by Jade's side. At this point, all Jade needed to do was ask, and Tori would do anything for her. She needed a friend, and hell if Tori wasn't willing to be the best friend she could be.

After all, that's what friends are for.

She heard Jade put down the empty cup on the bedside table and once again relax, letting out a deep, exhausted sigh. Tori frantically tried to come up with something they could do, something that could distract Jade from her troubles.

She started discreetly looking around her room, searching for something that could give her an idea. She paused when her eyes stumbled at the small pile of DVDs by her TV, and it was like a lightbulb lit up above her. She had the perfect idea, even though she wasn't a big fan of it. It's for Jade.

"Um-," Jade looked up at her with a raised eyebrow and slightly red eyes, "do you wanna watch The Scissoring?"

Tori watched as Jade's eyes lit up little, and the corner of her mouth subtly turned upwards in an almost smile.

"You have The Scissoring? I thought you didn't like horror movies."

"Well," Tori started, "I figured I'd try something new."

Jade stared, as if studying her. Tori grew slightly nervous.

"So, you wanna?"

Jade's smile grew.

"Yeah... yeah, I'd like that."

Tori smiled, relieved.


Tori screamed for the hundredth time after an unexpected jumpscare, while Jade joyfully laughed at the gruesome murder scene that was happening on the screen.

"Classic," Jade sighed contently while shaking her head, like the most graphic scene didn't just happen 5 seconds ago.

"Well, I'm glad at least one of us is having fun!" Tori exclaimed, appalled. Leave it to Jade to laugh happily when seeing guts flying around.

"Aw c'mon, it's not even that bad."

"I didn't even know intestines were this long one minute ago!"

Jade chuckled, glancing at Tori for a second then returning her eyes to the screen. "Yeah, cool, right?"

"Not as cool as y-" Tori's eyes widened and she quickly coughed and cleared her throat. "Yeah, p-pretty cool." She mumbled, embarrassed. She swore her mouth moved on its accord sometimes. This was not the time for flirting! She scolded herself, mentally hitting her head on a wall.

Jade glanced at Tori again, seeing the girl cowered in her comforter, looking straight ahead at the screen and avoiding eye contact. Jade would never admit it out loud, but Tori is starting to grow on her. She was initially weirded out by her flirting and compliments, but she would be lying if it didn't make her feel nice. She didn't really remember if a girl ever flirted with her before, but it certainly felt very different from when a boy did it. It felt more genuine.

Jade smiled softly to herself, deciding to ignore Tori's little outburst, and returned her gaze to the movie. She allowed herself to forget everything about Beck for now.

"If you think that was cool, wait 'til you see Tawny killing her other best friend." She said in a managing tone, and it had the desired effect of Tori cowering and hiding even more in her comforter.

"Can't wait..."


Tori laid wide awake. It was no wonder, her mind was reeling, constantly replaying the events of the past few days, and especially of today. She felt guilty for feeling over the moon for spending so much time with Jade, while her crush was still suffering because of the breakup. She even almost threw in a pickup line out of sheer impulse, and had to bite or back so it wouldn't be weird. She knew Jade noticed, and she was glad that it was ignored.

She turned her head to look at the sleeping girl beside her, and groaned internally, already regretting that decision. No human should be allowed to look this beautiful. Her brows were relaxed, a contrast to her constant annoyed frown. Her lips, having such a unique shape, oh so endearing, were slightly parted. She looked so peaceful, content. You'd have no idea that she was this angry, bitter person most of the time.

But Tori knew it was merely a front. Probably some kind of defense mechanism. A way to preserve herself from the pain caused by others. Jade distanced herself from people, refusing to form strong bonds, because she was afraid of... what? Disappointment? Betrayal? Judgement? Tori wondered.

She turned a little to the side, fully facing Jade, and took a slow, deep breath. Carefully, she lifted a hand, slowly as to not awake Jade, and started lightly tracing Jade's features. The skin felt incredibly soft under her touch, and comfortingly warm. You'd expect that someone like Jade to be cold like a vampire, but, in reality, she was warm, and felt like home. She felt her eyes start to tear up when she tucked a stray strand of hair behind Jade's ear.

She froze when Jade moved a little, but otherwise remained silent, and again unmoving. Tori gulped, and decided to not risk waking Jade up with her weird worshiping.

In that moment, however, Tori made a decision. She would be there for her. Whenever Jade needed a shoulder to cry on, she would be there. Whenever Jade needed a distraction, she would be there. Whenever Jade needed to have fun, she would be there.

She would go to hell and back if it meant making Jade West happy.

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