green goblins

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'But mom-'

'No honey, you have to go to school.' I whined, school was boring! Everything we were learning right now was way too easy for me. The teachers have been saying that my IQ is way higher than an average girl, resulting in tests and more tests to see how smart I am. But even those tests are easy, way too easy. I huffed.

Trying one more time, I used my best puppy eyes and asked again: 'But mom, can't I go with you for once? I'll be good, promise.' The older woman in front of my smiles and shook her head before crouching down so she was my height. I was ten, 'Look honey, I know you love going to my work and I promise you can go another time, but you have been absent for too long. The school is threatening to call child support on me.' I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest, knowing fare well that I wasn't going to win this. 'Okay, I'll go.' Mom smiled and stood up, giving me the chance to quickly grab her extra pass. She didn't see it and gave me my backpack before ushering me in the school bus that was waiting for me outside.

I waved at her once I was seated and when the bus started moving, I grinned and pulled out the card to freedom. The next stop was close to mom's work, a lab. So all I had to do was get off the bus without being seen. I had done it before, it wouldn't be so hard.

The bus was quite empty, making it slightly more difficult, was everyone sick? While searching through my backpack, I found my sunglasses and cap. I grinned once I put it on and creeped to the door on the side of the bus. I had seated myself behind the driver on the ground, my small frame helping me hide. Once the door opened, I sprinted out of the yellow vehicle and ran for my life. Behind me, I could hear the driver yelling at me to come back, but I pulled up my middle finger and ran even faster.

After running for a while, turning into random streets, I found the building my mom worked on. It was grey and ugly, but the inside was beautiful. The entrance was huge and the people there were so cool that I was amazed every time I walked in. I quickly remembered in which state I was in and put my backpack underneath a few bushes before entering. 

And like I said; I was amazed, again. With my mouth in an o-form, I looked around for a bit before walking to the stairs. Mom normally uses the elevator, but I couldn't risk being seen by someone who knew me and my mom. So I had to use the stairs to get to my mom's lab, six floors above the ground.

When I finally arrived, I could hear faint voices arguing in the lab. The doors were closed however, so I wasn't able to look inside. Using a Bobby pin, I opened the door and sneaked in. I tried to be as silent as I could and hid behind one of the tables. The languages they were speaking wasn't English or any other language I knew, which was a fair amount. Going of on the sound of it, it had to be some east-European language, probably Russian. I didn't knew my mom could speak Russian, but I liked it. The arguing however, I didn't like. Some of the words I heard were understandable, like the organisation she was working for and my name. But what did I have to do with this?  

When I heard the sound of glass shattering, I closed my eyes and pursed my lips close, not wanting to scream. Suddenly, more glass shattered and someone screamed; my mom. A wave of heat came my way and burned my right arm and cheek before I was thrown around the room. 

I opened my eyes with a gasp. It was a horrible nightmare, one I haven't got since I had updated the chip. Trying to calm down, I wanted to pull my arms around my body, but quickly found out that wasn't possible. My wrists and ankles were chained up on a metal-like table. Trying again, my heart rate got up. I began sweating and panicking; this wasn't supposed to happen! The plan was to die peacefully in space, not to get saved -if you want to call it that- and chained to a table. 

The doors in the back of the dark room opened with a shriek and a few of those green goblins came wobbling through. 

What was going on?!

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