Shirori ; 13th Kizuki ; Lowermoon 2

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6 Uppermoons, 6 Lowermoons. 12 Kizuki. It's balanced and has an equal amount on each side. I am Uppermoon 3, Akaza.

Except, years ago it didn't have 12. It had 13, one extra Lowermoon. Her name was Shirori, and she was the former Lowermoon 2. Rokuro was 3, Wakuraba 4, you know.

I personally thought Shirori was a bit too much. She got on my nerves alot, (more than Douma does now.) She wasn't a pervert or anything like that though, she was just... extra, and didn't think before her actions. Which I find incredibly stupid, especially for her. She was one of lord Muzan's favorites. Now, he despises her. Loathes her. Hates her. You know, all of that. And I am glad he does, but I'm upset of the cause of it.

That poor girl she encountered... wasn't it obvious? The signature color of red that flowed down her kimono and the bows she wore; the way it represented and expressed the iris color of her father's. Her features, the way it resembled him perfectly. Her personality, it all came from him. It all came from lord Muzan. The girl was his eldest daughter, it should've been obvious. He told us, and we even met her!

I guess Shirori never did, or maybe she's just incredibly stupid! Lord Muzan warned us to not harm her or his son. Next to the Blue Spider Lily, his children were the next thing on his 'keep-safe' list. If Shirori actually respected lord Muzan, she would've known that. It's common knowledge at this point.

Lord Muzan lost two children that one day that Shirori decided to be a complete idiot. One of them died, and the other one is still considered missing. Douma theorized that Shirori ate the young one, but I doubt it. I have this feeling he could be alive, this deep, gut feeling. I want to tell lord Muzan about it, to encourage him to go look for it rather than the Blue Spider Lily. But he's determined to shut down any talk about it. For a demon king, I didn't know someone could be that sensitive over a topic.

I'm upset at the death of his daughter, but maybe... it was meant to happen.Hear me out here!

She knew about demons, she knew their dangers and tendencies. She seemed like she was close enough to spilling this information. She was even subtly telling her little brother about it. But most of all, I'm glad Shirori caused it. She didn't think about the consequences. She died, because lord Muzan killed her. And you know, Shirori deserves death.

The memory of her fall, it was... amazing.


  "Lord! Please forgive me, I didn't know she was a child of your own!" She begged, hands clasped, squeezing together while she was on her knees.

The demon king was staring at her with nothing but pure hatred. "Where is my youngest child? If you tell me where he is, then I'll only give you the slightest bit of mercy."

The white demon froze, knowing she was screwed. "H- He wasn't there... I didn't see him!" Her hands squeezed tighter. "I'll find him, I promise lord Muzan, just spare me, I beg of you, plea—"

The red-eyed king interrupted, his shoe colliding with her face brutually. "Silence. You have proved that you are nothing of worth to me, you filthy imbecile. You disgust me, you pathetic excuse of a demon!" He stepped onto her face with extra harshness, no remorse leaked into his expression. "I can't believe someone as reckless as you exists."

Shirori kept bugging him to spare her, to give her mercy, to let her live. But it wouldn't work. After a moment, she let out a scream, the sounds of death following afterwards.

And I watched it all. Barely surpressing a smile. She deserved it.The memory still brings a smile to my face.  


Tsutako Tomioka (Kibutsuji), your death does not go without vengeance.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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