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This is Victoria!

— hey there readers ! ★

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hey there readers !

Those who are here from before my
"Enhypen's Imagines" they know very well that this whole series has been already published once.

But looking back I realised in the flow of emotions, I just wrote it and abruptly published (not to forget how unnecessarily I streched the schedule for posting). Zero efforts into making it pretty and more connecting :(

Now when I look at other's work, I come at the realization of the lack of efforts was put into publishing this which actually breaks my heart. Out of all the stories I have written this one is close to my heart and will always be.

So to be guilt free I though to re-publish this work, but with presentation and few improvements.

Last time without thinking much
I used "Y/N" for the name of my female lead which makes me
cringe at the mere thought. So this turn, welcome Sun-hee among us.

Not to mention, I have prepared
a tracklist for every chapter as
well, make sure to listen to my suggestion, so you all will
be able to relate to it more.

This time I won't be doing any
promotion, honestly I don't care
at this point. I just know how
much of my heart and soul was put into writing this so even if it gets flop like previous time, it won't really matter to me much this time.
(fingers crossed)

Also as a writer, I've always been fascinated by the power of memory and the way it can transport us back to a time and place that feels as real as the present moment.

Isn't it amazing to think that we can hold onto these memories for years, decades even, and that they can feel so vivid, almost like we're there all over again?

So with all this scattered thoughts
and my urge to write a fanfiction
on Sunghoon, I came at the
conclusion for this mini series,
called, Memory Lane : her first love.

Thank you to everyone who have read my ranting till here, and also I'll be wishing that you all will end up loving it as much as I do.

love you all to the moon and back!
this was Victoria,
now signing off.
time stamp :
14th April, 2024 ; 11:31 p.m
xoxo 💌


Memory Lane : her first love Where stories live. Discover now