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I woke up to the sound of the birds chirping, Today was my wedding day. I had exactly 5 hours to get ready before my last name changed, I wonder how Charles and Micheal would be after I got married.

"Master, your bath is ready" Titonka, my house elf said. I got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom, there was bath that had roses and Some fruits placed on tray for a breakfast. This whole day would be exhausting and I wanted it to be perfect. It was my special day and it not being perfect would be the worst for me. I got into the bath and relaxed in to it, the water was warm and not too cold. I hope I look pretty for Tom, I want him to be proud of having a pretty husband.

I get out of my bath and dry my self with a towel before putting on a cherry red slik robe.
I look for my curling iron, I put on some heat protection before I curl my hair. My hair went up to my neck giving me the ability to curl it, it takes a while to curl it but who cares I have to make sure Tom's relative's can gossip about me being pretty.


I was fixing my little brothers hair, Matteo always did a side part with his curly hair on his face. This time I was doing my curly hair routine and making sure his hair looked good. He was meeting my love for the first time.

" Perché non posso pettinarmi?" (Why can't I do my hair?) Matteo complained

" Il tuo incontro, mia amata, per la prima volta, stai bene." (Your meeting my love for the first time, look good.) I replied back sternly.

I was ready and just had to put on some cologne and fix my tie. I put on Dior savage, My favorite and best smelling Cologne

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The wedding venue was beautiful. Decorated like a fantasy ball. It Was perfect, the couple the guests, the beauty everything  Complemented each other!

All the relatives were focused on the wife to be.

"love?" Spoke the adorable voice of his Beloved, Hadrian.

"Yes my dear?" I answered, all my attention going to him. He was my priority, not anything else just him.

"Want to grab something to eat?" He asks a small smile forming on his beautiful pink pouty lips.

"Sure" I answered simply, getting up and grabbing his soft and delicate hand.


As we got up, I felt kind of sad. I mean I loved Tom and all but I would miss my family, my friends and all, it would just be hard to accept that I'm leaving. I wonder how Hermione is feeling, we've been friends since 1st grade and now getting married to the most deadliest mafia man on earth was a big jump from crushing on fictional men with her.

"You okay darling?" Tom asks, holding my hand as he notices I'm just moving my food around

"Just.. Missing home you know" I replied softly, taking a bite out of my mashed potatoes

"I know love.. Just try and eat something" Tom says, Him being a mafia boss and all, he didn't know how to comfort people

" عيناك جميلة جدًا ، مثل اللؤلؤ.. ساطعة وجذابة."

(Your eyes are beautiful, like pearls... There bright and captivating)

Tom says, I get confused when he speaks Arabic but then again.. It just sounds so pretty..

"I don't understand what you just said but thank you"
I say smiling at him

He chuckles, that rich chuckle that usually comes from my father and his friends.

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I was laying down on our wedding bed, had rain in the washroom, washing himself off after our big day.

I didn't look so forward to the week after our honey moon and I would have to go back and deal with the idiots I call "workers"

The only good one was Vladimir, my Russian best friend since primary. I went to this Private boarding school and we were roommates, While Harry went to a simple public school.

The washroom door opens and I see Harry in a simple white night gown,  he walks towards me. He lays down beside me cuddling into my arms. "Mari?"

I get flustered when he calls me "husband" in French

"Yes dear?" I answer quickly

"Is something on your mind?" He asks softly kissing my cheek

"Just thinking about the week after our honeymoon" I say, rubbing my temples

"Don't focus on that, focus on us. This week is for us" he says, smiling.

No matter how many times I fall for him, he still manages to make my heart flutter with happiness and something I do not know..

It's weird. I don't know how to love. I'm a cold hearted mafia boss. Not some kind of simple flower shop boy.


Hello there! I'm so sorry for posting this so late! Schools been keeping me on my feet! Next week is my last week and also my b-day! June 26th!!


What do y'all think happens? Does Tom admit he has a soft stop for Harry or does he keep his mafia boss rep and say it's because he's my husband?

Stay tuned!

Bye loves!

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