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Chapter 41


"Riley, there's something I need to tell you". I looked at Anna and she was looking worried.

"Is everything alright?" I asked. "It's Alexia, she's leaving the city" she said looking around.

"What do you mean by she's leaving the city?" I asked confused.

"It means she's going to leave and you might not be able to see her again"

"But why is she leaving? Why all of a sudden?". "I... can't answer that for you. But I tried to stop her but she's set on leaving. So, if you wanna do something than better do it now"

(End of Flashback)

Right now, I'm standing in Dr.Wislon's office waiting for her to answer me. "Yes I'm leaving" she said looking at me from behind her desk.

"But why?" I asked not knowing what to make of the situation. "Because I want to" she said monotonously.

"I..I like you" I actually said it. "I really like you. I know the past whole year has been one hell of a rocky ride and I don't know when or how but I started to have these feelings for you but...."

She interrupted me "Riley, the contract expires tomorrow and I'm leaving that's it" she said coldly.

"Contract? Is that what it's about? then I'll just sign another. But please don't go"

"Can't you understand? I don't want to be around you. GOD! Even a kid has got more brain cells than you" she said annoyed.

"Why you don't want to be around me?" I asked, my eyes were burning with tears but I didn't let them fall.

"I'm not compelled to answer that" she said getting up and looking out of window.

"Is that because you too have feelings for me but you're too afraid to accept it?"

"You want to know why am I leaving? then listen, I'm leaving because I don't wanna play with you anymore. At first when you used to try to fight me and failed miserably that satisfied me. But now you've got feelings for me and I'm tired of you"

At this a tear fell down on my cheek "So you don't feel even a little bit for me?"

"No, I don't. You were just a plaything to me , just another intern who signed an agreement with me. Nothing less nothing more" she said emotionlessly.

I was trying my best to hold myself from breaking out in front of her. "Just a plaything? That's all am I to you? If you just wanted someone to dispose after using then why did you trick me into signing that agreement? You should've just found someone else to play with. WHY ME?"

"I wanted to, that's why. And besides, you signed that agreement yourself I didn't force you to sign it, tricking you or not doesn't matter"

"Are you hearing yourself? I can't believe how much selfish you can be"

"I never said that I'm not selfish nor I'm a good person for that matter"

"I can't believe, I fell for a heartless person like you," I said another tear rolled down my cheek, and then I went out.

I wiped the tear and went to the terrace. I sat in a corner and cried. I cried my heart out for hours.

It's around 7 in the evening. Right now I'm going to Dr.Wilson's office. After crying, I calmed myself and I planned a few things.

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