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next morning

han's POV

" I woke up and got out of bed quietly not to wake Minho up and stretched before going down feeding the cats and and clean a bit before anyone got up. lately I don't know but I feel like Minho is hiding something from me I'm trying to not think about it but it hurts at the same time. it feels like everyone is no one has actually talked to me I took a shower downstairs so I wouldn't wake minho and did my hair and makeup before walking out. to see no one up still I just sat on the couch and started watching movies to pass times till someone comes down. about an hour later I heard someone's steps coming down and stop and then start walking again."

hyunjin: hey sungie good morning 

han: mhm morning

hyunjin: you've been so busyyyyy I miss youuuu

han: mhm I miss you too

hyunjin: what's wrong 

han: nothing why?

hyunjin: you seem annoyed? 

han: * because I am*  I'm not hyung

hyunjin: I'll leave you then but have a good birthday party sungie love you okay?

han: okay

chan: oh morning han morning hyunjin how long have ya'll been up for? 

han: for at least 4 hours couldn't sleep 

hyunjin: I just woke up 

chan: hannie you okay? 

han: yea why? 

chan: nothing well you hungry? 

han: not really 

chan: have you ate?

han: no I'm not hungry 

seungmin: hyunjin why you leave me?

hyunjin: sorry baby 

chan: han let's talk 

han: mhm 

chan: what's wrong? 

han: nothing " I say as the tears fight to come out"

chan: I can tell when something is up what happened?

han: I can't cry hyung I just did my makeup 

chan: cry we'll fix it later but I know something is up what? 

han: I-i don't know my dad says I have always been this way around my birthday 

chan: why honey tell channie

han: ma died on the same day as my birthday i-i just don't know hyung " I say crying tears"

chan: mhmm it's okay love 

han: a-and everytime i-i think people leave me because i-im not good enough a-and no one has talked with me a lot s-so I thought ya'll were growing bored of me 

chan: we could never sungie your so bubbly and cute and you have a lot of good things in life that make you special we're not leaving we swear 

han: pinky promise? " i say holding out my pinky"

chan: pinky promise " he says latching on to my pinky"

han: I'm sorry chan I didn't mean to cry 

chan: its fine baby chan loves you ok chan will never leave you no matter what happens

Minho: have ya'll seen han I can't find him " I hear him yelling"

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