Icy Inferno:Fire and Ice Collide

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As the dust settled and the arena grew quiet, Naruto's voice broke through the silence. "Pathetic."

The word hung in the air, causing heads to turn towards him in surprise and disapproval. Fellow Leaf shinobi and foreign ninja alike stared at Naruto, taken aback by his harsh critique.

Guy, approached Naruto with a frown. "Naruto, why would you say such a thing?"

Naruto met Guy's gaze with a serious expression. "Tenten is skilled, but she needs more than just those tools. Her attacks are useless if they don't even land. Her failure to prepare and plan ahead shows she's not ready to be a Chunin. As her sensei, you should have helped her see the flaws in her tactics and have backup plans to overcome them."

Guy looked taken aback by Naruto's bluntness but couldn't entirely dismiss his words. "Tenten has worked hard. She's shown great progress."

"Hard work isn't enough if it's not directed properly," Naruto continued. "A Chunin needs to be adaptable and think several steps ahead. If she relies solely on her weapons without a solid strategy, she's setting herself up for failure. You owe it to her to push her to be better, to see her weaknesses and turn them into strengths."

As Naruto was chewing out Guy, his eyes strayed towards Kakashi, who was standing a short distance away, observing the scene with his usual calm demeanor. Naruto couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration.

The arena remained silent as Naruto's words sank in. Tenten clenched her fists, a mix of anger and determination in her eyes. Naruto's critique had been harsh, but it was also a challenge, one she was now determined to meet.

After Tenten was fetched by the medics. The board went through names again

Naruto vs. Yugito

Yugito eyed her fellow Jinchuriki warily

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Yugito eyed her fellow Jinchuriki warily. Naruto, calm and composed, made his way to the arena.

As Naruto walked past Sasuke, Sasuke's eyes narrowed with determination. "Don't you dare lose," he said, his voice low and intense.

"I don't plan to'' Naruto said, his voice cold

The spectators wondered just how this fight would unfold.

"Begin!" the proctor's voice echoed, and both fighters sprang into action.

Yugito closed the distance in a heartbeat. Unleashing a barrage of attacks. Which Naruto blocked.

"Impressive," Yugito muttered, her eyes narrowing. She extended her fingers, and her nails grew into razor-sharp claws. With a feral grin, she slashed at Naruto with increased ferocity. Naruto blocked with his arms, but the claws cut through his clothing, leaving shallow scratches on his skin.

Naruto countered with a series of kicks and punches, aiming for her vital points. Yugito evaded some of his strikes, but the few that landed made her wince. They continued to exchange blows.

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