Monarchy Malarkey [Part 2]

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"Fuck mate, a lot more of them this time no?" I noticed. Don just chuckled and tapped my shoulder.

"Mate I don't mess about."

"Well, keep it controlled word gets out."

"Yeah I know, we are done for, it's okay these people I trust, I'm the people's person remember?"

"Ok, alright"

"Guys, come on," Don ordered, they all sat down.

"Why are you all here?" I asked openly. Most of them thought it was rhetoric, but silence got a few hands up, "You," I said pointing towards a younger black man.

"I want to have a say in how my life plays out, I want to live in a world where my kids have a future and can think for themselves."

"But don't they have a future here? Are we all not thinking for ourselves now?"

"No sir, we don't, we are just cogs in the machine-"

"Cogs in the machine, yes, that's exactly what we are, your name?"


"Okay, take a seat, who else?" I don't know if I picked her next because of her beauty or because I didn't want them to think me sexist.

"I think we need free-thinkers, I think we need to realise the reality of what has become, this Dome was supposed to be our home but it only holds us prisoner, we are governed-"

"Wait, is your answer, you know, learnt? Did you write it and memorise it?" the crowd laughed and so did she.

"I, maybe, I just.."

"Relax, what's your name?"


"Trixie, you're right, I guess this is a prison, I don't think we were supposed to live like this and I hope that the Gatherers didn't have this bloody idea in mind when they were fucking each other trying to repopulate the Dome; I hope this isn't what they wanted when all was said and done, we are all family, we all have the same ancestors, so why do we have to listen and obey to a select few who are only up there because of how much gatherers blood they have?!" I shouted that last bit, just felt naturel to do so.

They all shouted in agreement and Trixie smiled at me.

I went through a few more and it seemed my vision was pretty much on point. I was annoyed at how little anyone actually had the balls to stand up and say something, but I didn't think too much of it, I just thought it an idea to reward those that did. That's what I wanted, to encourage voice.

"Why was I gone a week?" I started, "Why did I fuck off and leave you lot to it? Well let's just say this kind of thing doesn't happen to me a lot," that made them laugh. "I had to think, I had to make sure that I bloody hell wasn't going to let you down, I had to pluck up the courage and believe in everything I said, that it wasn't just words, that I wasn't just some rebellious teenager who was angry at something stupid." I glanced around at them, they were completely captivated. "I'm hoping all of you here today have gone through that, I hope you're not just tagging along for the bloody ride, because if you are get off now, this isn't going to be easy, they will have our heads if they find out and then we are well and truly fucked!" I stared them all down for a while trying to gauge their thoughts, "If you are well and truly up for it, I want names, addresses and everything else about you in my tablet here and yes it is bloody encrypted."

We broke for a little intermission, let them all chat amongst themselves till Don came to me with his plan. He wanted infiltration of the dome which was pretty easy considering it just meant those who worked in certain sectors to keep an eye out, to report back and gather any useful intel. I okayed it and left that to him, I knew he'd only report the really important stuff back.

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