Know where you're going
If you don't know where you're going,
You're likely to end up someplace elseOne Summer, two sisters decided to take a bike trip. They packed a few sandwiches, bottled water, and some Oreos in their backpacks, and off they went down a country road near their house. They peddled fast, laughed , and stopped at the creek to throw rocks in the water. Riding on a little bit farther , one rider suddenly stopped and asked , "By the way, where are we going?"
Her sister replied , "I don't know. I thought you knew!"
"Well , if we don't know where we're going how will we know know when get there ?" The rider respondedLife is a lot like that. You'll never get where you want to go unless you decide where it is you want to go . What's your mission ? College? Career ? Family ? Before you start the trip, think about your destination. Then think about going in the right direction and about the route you're going to take . And be sure to pack your backpack!
If you want to get somewhere, know where you're going.
Enjoy y'all
Bye love you all❤️