Character Sketch ( main protagonists)

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Main leads

Main leads

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Ms. Vanya
Just 'Vanya' for the world
Age : 21 years
Is a talented cricketer, bats at no:3
Jersey no : 18

Nicknames : Vini, Vanu (the rest will be revealed later)
Family : no one ( she says so)
Relationships : none
Bestfriends : jemi & shubman
Is a mysterious character

She is an amazing cricketer who plays for jharkhand in domestic cricket. Is about to make her debut in indian team. Is a reserved, cold and shut off person. Doesn't like to socialize and prefers to keep her life private. Is rarely seen laughing that too only with Jemi and Shub. Has a past due to which she gets nightmares and panic attacks. Hates a certain person( she says so)......

 Hates a certain person( she says so)

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Mr. Virat Prem Kohli
Age: 28 years
Indian cricket team vice captain(in the story )
Nicknames: Vi, cheeku, Bunny.......
Married Anushka sharma 3 months ago
Family : mom, nush, his sis {Vamshika Kohli}
His dad passed away when he was 18
Bestfriend : Rohit sharma

Agressive on the field but a loving and fun guy off the field but is drown in guilt and is heartbroken for something terrible he has done years ago..... Still regretting his words and actions. Missing his kuhu❣️

Note : There might be differences in ages that of reality and same in the case of timelines and incidents

So guys here is the main character sketch rest of them will be published by noon along with first chapter
Stay tuned✨️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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