chapter seven .

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      Ashley POV

Gosh! That was so awkward... but we sat in different seats. But damn I'll admit he was sexy!


Stop it!! Stop it !! I don't need those stupid voices in my head right now. I really need to focus because my parents always have the nerves to move when schools are almost over . so I basically have to do more work.

I fucking hate when this shit happens , the new student and have to work harder. Oh that's great how much I love school.

School for 12 years.
College for 4 more years.
Then you work until you die.
Oh that's cool.

Finally we freaking arrived I wasn't that excited to go to this stupid school if it wasn't for my dad's ridiculous job.

I stood up and it seemed like Sean wanted to talk to me.

"hey , uhm do you need help with your schedule?" Sean finally spoke, and I nodded and said "Okay."

He smiled as we walk down from the bus. I have no friends. And I don't know nobody , Sean being my neighbor and my classmate which is just weird. But what do I get to lose? Nothing.

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