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I've never really asked myself how I was going to die, but dying alongside someone beloved isn't it a desirable death ? I never would have guessed, going into that car, the tragic event that would result from the drive. I was forcing myself to stay calm, to not scream, but it was impossible. I was stopping myself from looking to my left so that I would not see his eyes pierced with pain. Timeo. My brother, with whom I've many times enraged our parents at home. So many good memories tumbled out in my mind when the car stopped rolling over. Silence. Dreadful. Piercing through my eardrums. In the car, I only perceived two breaths : mine and the driver's. At this very moment, my heart stopped beating and my life shattered. Looking at his body bruised by shards of glass and his closed eyes, I screamed. I screamed until I couldn't breathe anymore. I screamed all my pain, all my distress. I couldn't believe that happened. Then came tears, they burned my gashed skin. I was crying for a long time when I heard the driver calling for an ambulance. When the rescue workers reached us, I was still crying but this time I was holding on tightly to my brother's body. A young fireman asked me to let go of the body but I shouted at him that I would never let my brother go away from me. After a while, they finally made me release Timeo's body and they helped me get out of the car. They put me in a stretcher and looked at my body for bad injuries before putting me in the ambulance. I let them do whatever they needed to do because I wasn't able to stop them from doing it. While they were looking me up, two other rescue workers tried to reanimate Timeo, in vain. The first aiders then covered his body and took him to another car.

When we arrived at the hospital, I spent about an hour having other exams, X-rays, scanners... Then they put me in a room and the visits started. First, my parents, then my sister : Agathe. When she came in, I saw her eyes veiled from sadness and her drawn features. She sat on a chair beside me and took my hand. There was no need for words between us to know the pain that we were both feeling. It is true that she should have been as sad as I am, but no sadness could be beyond the grief of his loss that I was feeling deep down inside of me. Timeo was my brother, my half. Even though Agathe, Timeo and I are triplets, he and I always had something more between us. After a while, the tears started to flow, blurring my sight, and breaking a little bit more my heart. I couldn't see the face of Agathe, but I heard her. She was also crying. We sat there crying in silence until the sleepiness came and put me in a heavy sleep hoping to never wake up. 

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