✦ { Nir } A Fictitious Reality (Reality Series #1)

45 6 1

Reviewer: nkvenus7878

Client: SilverPriestess_

Cover page: 5/5

The cover page of the book is very eye-catching and truly matches with the main theme of the story as well as depicts the prominent characters of the book. It's next to perfect and the imagery is appreciated!

Title: 5/5

The title "A Fictitious Reality" perfectly displays the essence of the story and helps the readers immediately understand the theme of the story.

Blurb: 3.5/5

The blurb is a way for claiming quick attention from visitors. A blurb which eloquently describes the main events and happenings of the story gives a good idea to the readers.

The blurb here is grammatically accurate and written well. However, it gives very less idea about the character struggles and the potential events (other than the main ones) occurring in the story. A little more detail on that would make it precise!

Characters: 8.9/10

The characters and their development have been well mentioned as well as their personal description.

The manner in which their emotions, conflicts, identity, etc. have been described is truly wondrous. Regardless, a little more description about the appearances of side-characters would help the readers imagine them easily.

Vocabulary: 4.8/5

The use of the right kind of words in the required context has been done beautifully. Just a little editing is required for a few spelling errors and that would do the trick!

Grammar: 4.4/5

The tenses, the manner of speech and everything else related to grammar has been well written. However, there seems to be several punctuation errors here and there. A little editing would make it precise.

Enjoyment: 5/5

The events and the happenings are truly enjoyable. Whether it's about the character's emotions, sarcastic moments, depressing situations and so many others, the story accurately describes and eloquently helps the readers to enjoy the tale.

Plot: 8.6/10

The events and the transition of one situation to the other is well written. There are subtle yet understandable change in the happenings and it helps the readers to keep track with the story easily.

But, at the beginning of the chapters, the readers might be left confused at the vague description of which character's pov is being mentioned. A slight description about the specified character at the beginning of the chapters would help the readers indulge into the scene with that character's pov.

Total: 45.2/50

Percent: 90.4%

Overall review

It I'm being honest, I don't really think the book requires a review for its betterment. The storyline, vocabulary, character development, plot, and basically everything else is next to perfect!

It may require some editing for its betterment, but whatsoever the case, it's really good!

If any improvement is required, it could be in some punctuation marks as well as one or two spelling errors. For your convenience, I've tried to point out a few of them in some of your chapters for you to understand what I'm referring to.

Once again, the beginning of the chapters could be modified by giving a little description of which character's pov is being referred to, whether that of Anthony or the charming cat! Other than which, the plot is truly wonderful, with a steady pace of the occurrence of events.

Besides, it's truly enjoyable as well! The antics of the cat and its internal emotions as well as Anthony's struggles as a writer truly help readers to connect with them at an emotional level.

Truly recommend this work to any readers out there, this story is worth giving a read!

I hope that the above review is helpful. Kindly note that I DO NOT hold any grudge against you and this review is my honest opinion. Hope it's satisfactory!!

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