1-) New Boy in Town

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(english is not my first language, please ignore the typos and be kind😭🙏🏻)

/Fang's Pov/
im working in Barley's since ive lost my job. just because i used the garbage bags as sandbag and throw everywhere trash! anyways, at least i dont see any crybaby brats here. Barley is a little too meticulous about cleaning but i can pay my rent without delaying now.

it was a lively and noisy night at the bar. Janet was gossping about the new kpop idol while i was preparing some drinks. i bet i look so cool when im shaking the bottles! i cant hear Janet clearly because of the noise but i get that she is really pissed off. i was just nod my head while she was swearing and taking the shots consecutively. damn, new girl must be really annoying. a weird emo guy was approaching the empty side of counter quietly. its weird because he is wearing a fucking scarf in the bar. while i was gazing him, Janet's phone ringed, she hang up after a few seconds later.

J: "Bonnie fell down on the squat toilet...again."

i laughed and waved at her with a smile. after that, i noticed that the emo was still didnt order anything. he was just sitting there snd scrolling on his phone. Barley came out and told me to clean the toilet cuz its overflowing. ugh, i thought this job was only about preparing drinks.
i was almost drowning but i came to the counter back after half an hour. the bar was still full and loud. i dried my hands and take some orders. i noticed that emo boy was still sitting there alone, hm, awkward..i approached him and leaned my head slightly towards him, i smiled.

F: "what a night, huh?"

he lifted his head from the phone and glared at me with his sharp eyes. his hair is covering one of his eyes. i felt like he was looking through my soul.

E: "huh?"

F: "are you new here? i dont remember a face like you."

he avoided eye contact, he looks anxious while speaking.

E: "...yeah."

i knew he was new. i know everyone in Starr Park, he has such an unusual look so i quickly get that he is new. hah, it will be fun to mess with this emo weirdo.

F: "do you have any friends?"

E: "pff, why are you asking?"

okay, he's a grumpy one.

F: "i know some teens like you, you guys can get along"

i said sarcastically and smiled.

E: "do i look like a highschooler?"

his tone is cold and aggressive. woah there new boy, no need to be so rude. and yes you look exactly like a depressed highschooler.

F "youre not?"

E: "no, im 19."

"you look younger, thats a compliment" i winked and smiled sarcastically. he just keeps staring at me with a blank face. im actually surprised that theres only one year between us. everyone thinks im 25-30. DO I LOOK THAT OLD?! 

he rolled his eyes and sighed. but i noticed that he closed his phone, i think i got his attention. i mean, who can resist my perfection? hm, would he jump on me and drown me with his scarf if I'll ask his name? lets give it a chance. i should keep my tone playfully so he won't think im weird or something.

F: "so, scarfy boy,, or should i say..?"

he said with the same cold tone. well, a win is a win.
he looked at me with those sharp eyes. god, i feel like he is going to murder me.
a grin curved in my lips and i extended my hand.


i chuckled and smiled. it seems like he didnt get the joke. he looked down and up at my hand and my face. i got nervous cuz umm...i dont want him to suck my soul with that gaze. i smiled confidently and kept my hand up, im not that kind of guy gives up easily.

his scarf came through my hand and held it. im kinda surprised to his 'magical' scarf but like, i saw a little girl playing cards with her bear yesterday, so, this is the most normal thing around here. i kept my grin while im done with drying the glasses. i took some orders while Edgar was still looking at his phone. i think this guy is gonna scroll down until the morning.

F: "my shift will end for an hour, do you have anything to do?"

E: "not really."

i smiled, i dont feel like im going to sleep after i get home. and he looks really alone, it would be fun if he accept to spend the night outside.

F: "wanna hang out later?"
he stayed silent for a second. oh wait, he is getting up from the table.

he looks kinda anxious, did i make him nervous?

E: "i should go home, my mom will be worried."

hm, this sounds like an excuse but i dont want to be hard on him.

"oh okay." i smiled gently.

he is looking at the floor. he nod his head and turned his back. oh shit, wait!
i quickly took a pen and ran after him.

F: "hey wait!"
he turned his back nervously.

i took his hand, there were gloves in his hands so i wrote my number on his arm. he was just standing there with confused look. then i smiled at him. he looked at his arm then my face. he turned his back and walked away without saying anything.
hm, he didnt punched me, so, i think im his first friend now.

he has really different style, wearing a tshirt and scarf at the same time. black nails, weird hairstyle, also a phone addict. but, he doesnt seem like a bad guy. im not sure if he will save the number, I'll just wait until he calls me..

(guys i know theres lots of typo please just ignore them and enjoy. i hope you'll like it. im turkish btw🇹🇷👊💥)

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