2) Incompatible

251 10 4

/Edgar's Pov/
"this town is really complicated, and loud. i still forgot my house's direction sometimes. everyone is so energetic and excited for nothing. my mom is always asking me if i had any friends since we've moved here. she's feeling upset about me being friendless but im not complaining at all. loneliness and darkness is growing inside me...."

*phone ringing*

who could dare to interrupt Pierce the Veil and bother me while im writing my diary?! i heard a shrill and zippy tone the second i pick up the phone.

C: "Hey loser! My mom said you should go to the market and get some milk for the cake after the shift!!!"

oh yeah, me and my sister got a job in a gift shop. the boss is very stingy and annoying but its better than listen to my mom's grumbles. Colette is always writes a book, taking photos of customers and stalking their accounts. im actually worrying about her caught of being a pervert one day.

C: "Also clean your room! BYEE!!!"

ugh, i hate energetic people. speaking of number, i forgot to call that wide smile purple headed guy. he is also weird and too much positive. i cant understand how people can be so happy when literally nothing is happening. he is really friendly and tries his best for to be nice to everyone, unless like me.

i looked at my arm, the number is kinda faint but still readable. i slowly dialed the number. i looked at my screen for a second, im still hesitating. maybe he's busy right now, I shouldn't bother him. yeah he's definitely busy, I won't call him and will never look at his face again. ugh, fuck it. he gave me his number voluntarily, i didnt begged him to be my friend. 
i called it, i hope its the right number. shit, he pick up so quickly.

F: "Hello??"

an energetic and loud tone that rushes my ears, yeah, its him. i dont know what to say, should i hang up? im calling someone except my mom for the first time!

E: "uh hey, it's me."
i screwed up.

F: "Oh hey Eddie!"

"...its Edgar."

"Hahaha, yeah sorry!"


"Wassup dark boy?"

his tone is teasing and playful, how annoying.

"pff, nothing new."

"Yeah yeah, same here."
a big silent... i dont know how to talk in calls! its harder than texting. how can people show their emotions without emojis?

"..okay bye."

"Hey hey wait! Have you visited around?"

"not really."

"It's my off day today, wanna hang out?"

"its my first day at work."

"Work? Did you find a job as soon as you moved here?"

"by my sister's force."

"Haha, hmm i get it. Where?"

why is he asking so many questions like a grandma, ugh.

"...in the Gift Shop."

"That is near by the Cinema?"

"uh, i guess..?"

"Ooh, sounds fun! So um-"

"i have to go, bye."

"Ah oka-"

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