once a beautiful place live dog Dominic and his friend human anna . her parents die very soon after she burn . so only one anna have with her is her dog Dominic , witch buy her dad when hear about his wife pregnant information . he carry her all her growing time so this dog knows every details about her . they lived at old build where nobody lived for ages , so this two do whatever want and control zero . we can say every child dream come true here , not parent and with any control or rules . at age 15 she start working hard to pay some food eat at old home own by them . weather here always good and not meet rain or others . Dominic us anna he growing alone without his parents . suddenly for him don't know who his parents were , they die at bad situation .
today both of them start travel around the world to see , different people and wonderful places . amazing nature and most important is discover universal . meet people learn something new in life , got culture and relies how is every country so different . each continent have their special sort of ingredients . to travel around the world this guys need know first step : history ; culture ; food ; fashion ; what language for speak ; and last manner is how person shows his kills in public eyes . second step : well be knowledge geography ; how many population are each countries ; diplomat advice ; made funny joke and support when it needed . third step : not talk bad about religion ; some type nationality believe in animals . some believe in statute ; for others it is god , so truly sure at this object is difficult . are type witch believe transported to fantasy , and speak with that type is more hard stuff ever . four step : tell some your secret , that will show how be treat by unknowing to you humans . be nice with people and they answer same ways , historical often say : be with group people like you want they be with you . that is genius lines , worked well century's will working present times.
first gap they choice to travel was south Africa . fly continue near 6 hours ,arrives normally without any trouble . room was comfortable , kind softy to live few weeks . this dog not go far from her , walking with her everywhere . he like her background to safe , if somebody behind will do some bad things . it good clear dogs are best friends to humans , so he always made sure need she something or not . animals can feel that stuff witch person can't understand , human to sad not have those power . home pet often help his partner when it see that moment , run and did his job . room is comfortable and nice , here is everything any person use everyday or just know this week all plan is check on . atmosphere here is good also very fresh , you can got nature vibes and guess where this volves comes . there many bedrooms ; kitchen ; pools ; bathrooms ; bar ; toilet and many other things . fridge is full any different foods , drinks and more that people need on morning .
annas room looking very sweet ; lovely and little girly . on the walls are many picture band or boys who are every persons celebrate crush . there models picture who is many girls impression to be best in their dream job . she has not many thing , what is her bag : some of clothes ; jeans ; some of hats ; t-shirs other countries . sometimes girls use many stuff show how carry are , and it not near to realist . anna love read twice in whole day , first at morning and then at evening with her dog . this girl don't like rose color and here one reason : she is not like other girls . there is theory female loves so much rose , that big lies . maybe some likes but not most of them , some life green or yellow color they think it comes with collaboration with cute thigs together . she don't listen music a lot , anna think that art is too much more . is not good have on the world many genre of music , that looking person can't choice one and for this do different to be easy guess .
when she walking to outside , have feel around everybody welcome her . this girls really adorable to contact with many guys and help them just for nothing . she likes process help somebody and not wait from them anything . relationship between girl and dog ae perfect , both of them understand each other mediately . some is jealous of her that guys don't guess why beautiful person will hung out with dog, and say about country and her pet listen carefully . now she is 22 and know here maybe have little romance , if her dog give bless for this . not sure will Dominic accepted this fact , this be problem to her besties . for example if her pet do green light and she have chance for this . but it not story about that , so it will happening another time or planet .
story about girl
Teen Fictionthis story about family, witch have only daughter . and part of family wants gave girl a friends. because she is alone and only talks to cat.