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[Back to Y/N's POV]

My body was still frozen in place, I didn't want to move-well, it's not like I could anyway.


As I was still panicking and trying to figure out what had happened, I realized something... ..HE WAS SO DAMN CLOSE TO MY FACE- WAS HE GOING TO KISS ME?? Smh, A date would've been nice first.

As I continued to think like a maniac, he placed a finger on his chin. It looked like he was looking for something.. but what?

Just then, he smiled. He quickly chuckled, wrapping his arms around me as he pulled me into a hug, my face buried on his chest.

I blinked several times, trying to process what had happened as I looked up at his Rainbow Eyes that were carved in Kanji, symbolizing 'Uppermoon Two'. "I'm sorry, but.. Who are you?" I asked softly, knowing damn well who he was. But, I wanted to see for myself.

He looked down at me, smiling widely as he chuckled. "Ah, I apologize. How inconsiderate of me!" He moved his body away from mine, bowing slightly. "My name is Douma." He looked up at me, tilting his head to one side. "What is your name, little doll?"

I nodded, starting to speak in a soft, gentle tone. "Nice to meet you, Douma. You can call me (Y/N)/(L/N).

"The pleasure is all mine. I must say though.. that is such an interesting name!" Douma clapped his hands, laughing softly with a bright smile, except.. it was different. Right.. I forgot he isn't able to feel Human Emotions.

My eyes then widened slightly as I heard him, blinking several times. ..WAS THAT SUPPOSED TO BE A COMPLIMENT?? ..Alright, calm yourself (Y/N). You can just threaten him to sing Let It Go.

I smiled widely at him, chuckling as I nodded. "Thank you, Douma-sama!" He narrowed his eyes, shaking his head. "You don't need to call me that, sweetheart. Douma is just fine."

I AM NOT TRYING TO GET KILLED BY YOUR FOLLOWERS, DOUMA. I thought to myself, still looking at him with an innocent smile. "Alright! If you insist, Douma."

He hummed softly, inspecting me as he narrowed his eyes. "Could I ask something, (Y/N)-Chan?"

I quickly nodded, crossing my arms. "Sure, go for it."

He continued to smile, nodding as he looked around. "Mm.. What are you doing here all alone at night?"

...IT'S ALREADY NIGHT??!?!! I looked around in disbelief, noticing the sun had already gone down. I sighed angrily to myself, looking back at him with a forced smile.

"Well uhm, I was just admiring the flowers here!"

Douma started to chuckle, petting my head as he grinned softly. "I didn't know you were such a humourous person, (Y/N)-Chan!"

I flinched just slightly at his touch, my eyes widening just slightly. ..DID THIS LITTLE GREMLIN JUST CALL ME A CLOWN???! I'LL SHOW HIM-

I quickly snapped out of it, coughing as I tried to control my thoughts. "Hah, yea.. I am quite the humourous person when I want to be."

He smiled, starting to grab his fan as he fanned his lower face. "I can see that, dear. Though.. Can I ask another question?"

No. "Of course!" I continued to smile innocently, wanting to get this long ass conversation over with.

"Mm.." He leaned in closer, raising an eyebrow. "Where do you live?"

My eyes immediately widened, realizing I had nowhere to go. I chuckled nervously, looking away as I murmured. "Hah, you know.."

Can You Change? [Douma x Modern°Reader]Where stories live. Discover now