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Mason's POV

"I need help.." The drunk girl whipers in front of. Standing there in a t-shirt is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. It's a horrid thing to say when her best friend is my girlfriend, but this girl is perfect. "What did you say?" I say, I need her to say it again. "I need help, can you start the shower for me?" She says leaning against her bedroom doorframe. 3 more minutes on her feet and she looks like she'll collapse. "Yes I can." I walk her to her bed so she can sit while I get the shower going. I walk into her bathroom and start the shower up. While I wait for the water to get to the perfect temperature, I light the candle she has sitting in the corner and turn her speaker on. I connect my phone and start playing taylor swift, her favorite. I walk back into her bedroom and see her just sitting there in that big t-shirt. "Are you ready to shower?" I say as I offer my hand in case she needs help. "Yes I am FINALLY." She says as she grabs my hands and jumps up quickly, I see her trip over her feet, she falls right into my arms and I feel my heart rate rise. I look down to see her looking right back up at me. She has these perfect blue eyes that compliment her dark hair. I can feel her breasts pressed against my chests and I can't help remember her perfect body that I saw a few minutes prior. I should push her off, but a part of me wants to keep her this close forever. I can feel her hot breath on my neck and I know we've only been here for a minute but it feels like an eternity staring into her eyes. "I'm sorry" She says and slowly starts to pick herself up. God why did she have to move. "It's okay, let's get you in the shower." I grab her hand and pull her into the bathroom. "OH MY GOSH I LOVE TAYLOR SWIFT" She says as she feels the water before getting in. "I'll wait in your room until you're done." I say with a laugh to her reaction and walk out of the room. I hear her singing 'Dress' and I can just imagine the smile on her face. 

I made it home. -Ash

I see her text pop across the screen of my home. I know I overreacted about Sierra talking to that guy. Hell, I can't even get mad because she's not my girlfriend. I should have kept my mouth shut but I could not watch her dance on him seductively and it not be me. Jealousy, I never feel that way about Ashley, but something about watching Sierra grind and rub against him made me snap. I decide that I won't be texting Ashley back tonight, I would like to go to sleep peacefully. I hear the shower turn off and I sit and wait for her to come out. "Okayyyy, I need helpppp" I hear the words slur from the other side of the door. Walking over to the bathroom door I slowly peek over and open it. I see her long tan legs and a towel wrapped around her body. "What do you need help with?" I ask turning the music down. She points to the closet and I assume she means clothes. I open her closet and see it completely full, who needs this much clothes? The first thing I see is a section of t-shirts hanging. Perfect, I grab a tshirt and open up drawers until I find her underwear. I grab the first pair I see and walk them back out to her. "Here you go, let me leave so you can change." I walk back out the door and sit on the edge of the bed. The door stated open and I peek up to see her slowly drop the towel down. I don't think I should look, but I can't help it. The light of the bathroom was flattering and I can see her perfectly shaped body as she pulls her clothes on.  I look away and hope she didn't notive me staring at her. 

"Okay I'm dressed now!" I see her reach over and turn the speaker off and blow out the candles. I stand up and begin to head out the door, "do you wanna lock the door behind me?" Sierra walks out of the bathroom and sits next to me. "Can you stay until I fall asleep? The extra key is on the key ring by the door and then you can lock me in." My insides are turning, I should say no, but the temptation is winning. "Yes I can." I say as I fiddle with my hands, I don't know why I get so nervous around her. "Thanks" she says as she climbs into her giant bed. "Why did you react like that when I was dancing with Zachary?" I wince at his name, why would she bring this up. "How drunk are you?" I ask before I reply. "Drunk enough to not remember this tomorrow" maybe this is my chance to get my feelings off my chest and tell her how I feel. Maybe I'll be able to get over it. "I reacted that way because I think I have feelings for you." I say boldly, hoping she doesn't freak out. I see her sit up and lean forward, no words, she's just looking into my eyes. I have never wanted to feel someone's lips so bad. "If that's how you feel, then kiss me, because I don't believe you." She says daringly. The last thing she ever needed to say to me was that. I'm sober, I shouldn't, but if I don't now then I may never be able to. I lean forward and press my lips against hers. Grabbing the back of her neck I pull her closer. All the control in my body leaves when I feel her kiss back. She isn't even sober, she probably doesn't even realize it's me. I need to stop this but God she feels so perfect kissing me. The urge to pull away is no where there, but I'm not a horrible guy, I'm not going to take advantage of her. I might be a horrible guy for being in love with her, but I'm not this horrible. Pulling away was painful in it's own but it's the right thing to do. "Maybe I do believe you, but you aren't my boyfriend to be jealous, maybe if you were single then I'd give you a chance. Until then, sorry M." The soft whipser stung, the words hurt. In the corner of my eye I can see her roll over and get comfortable. I'm too afraid to move, she was right in every way, I don't have a right to be jealous. Here I am fighting for my life resisting every urge to grab this girl and make her feel as good as she's ever felt. I need to get out of here, now. "goodnight Sierra." I quickly make my way to the door to find the key. After locking her inside I make my way to my own apartment. The air is cold walking in, just how I like it.  I need a shower, desperately. The warm water runs down my back and I can't help but think about everything I saw earlier. Sierra's perfectly shaped breasts, the way her body looked when she changed. I could look at her all day, she was absolutely perfect. I'm going straight to hell for thinking about her, but wow she's permenatly engraved in my brain. I feel awful about this and I know I need to sleep this feeling off. I crawl into my bed, wishing I could have stayed where I was an hour ago. After two nights in a row where I've kissed her, I need to recover mentally because I am down bad. The feeling of sleep drifts over me as I fall asleep surrounded by my thoughts. 

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