The Secret

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"We were right there" John said

"Where do you think he went?" Spruce said looking at Phil

"I don't know but we need to find him and fast" Phil said

"If only we had someone who was close to him or worked for him" John said

"Hey, what about Roy" Clay said "We could go back to the island and get him"

"Wait, what do you mean by that" Phil said confused

"Oh in the Lake of Licorice we pushed him into the water and he swam to the island in the middle" Christen said

"Alright let's go" Phil said

With Grandma Rosiepuff

She walked into the pod "Boys i'm back"

There was no response she went upstairs to see if they were their but she saw they were nowhere to be found but as she walked into the living room when all of a sudden the portal opened back up and she went threw

With The Others

They were about to get on the raft when all of a sudden Grandma Rosiepuff came out the portal

"Grandma?" Spruce said confused

"Boys what are you doing in Macalandia and where's Floyd" Grandma Rosiepuff said

"Wait you know this place" John said

"I will answer you when you answer me" Grandma Rosiepuff said

"Well you know Ms. Wart" Clay said

"Yeah what about her" Grandma Rosiepuff said

"Well she kidnapped Floyd and we came here to save him" John said

"What! Where is he" Grandma Rosiepuff said

"We don't know we need to get to the island in the middle of the lake so we came make Roy tell us where his master is" Clay said "Now how do you know about this place"

"Well the guy that I am dating is from here" Grandma Rosiepuff said

"Wait you have a boyfriend" Spruce said

"Ya that is why I left you with a babysitter so I could go out with him" Grandma Rosiepuff said

"Hate to interrupt but we need to get going" Phil said walking up them

"Who's this" Grandma Rosiepuff said

"Oh this is Phil and this Christen she saved us from Ms. Wart" Spruce said

As they reached the island in the middle they saw Roy sitting on the beach

"Look" Branch said pointing

Roy saw the raft and began to signal it as the raft got closer he saw who was on it and bolted

"He's making a run for it" Clay said

Phil jumped off the raft and chased him into a corner

"No escape" Phil said

"Are you sure about that" Roy said

"What do you mean" Phil said

"Turn around" Roy said

As Phil turned around he saw Daffy standing behind him

"Daffy where's Floyd" Phil said

"Don't worry he's safe" Daffy said

"We will find him and release him from your evil clutches" Phil said

"I won't be so sure about that and when I become the most powerful I will destroy your camp and there will be nothing you can do to stop it" Daffy said as he started to leave in a cloud of smoke

"Hey, wait for me" Roy said running toward the cloud 

But Phil caught him before he could disappear too "Oh no you don't" Phil said

As Phil walked back to the beach with Roy the others ran toward them

"What happened what took so long?" John said

"I had a run in with Daffy" Phil said

"What" Branch said 

"Where" Spruce said

"Is he here" Clay said

"Daffy? What's wrong with Daffy" Grandma Rosiepuff said

"Wait you know him" Clay said

"I'll tell you guys later" Grandma Rosiepuff said

"Anyway he left but I caught Roy before he could leave too" Phil said

Christen looked at Phil and saw that he had concerned face 

"How about we set up camp for tonight, Me and Phil will get the wood, and you guys can watch Roy" Christen said

As they went to get wood for the fire Christen looked at Phil "So what did he say to you"

"What do you mean?" Phil said

"I saw the look on your face" Christen said "So what did he say"

"He was gloating that we weren't gonna get to Floyd in time and that he was gonna destroy the camp and it will be all my fault" Phil said 

"How will it be your fault" Christen said

"Because I couldn't save Floyd and I will be failing them and Floyd if he succeeds Christen" Phil said

"Hey, he's just trying to get inside your head it's not your fault and we will save Floyd before that happens" Christen said

"Your right thanks" Phil said

"We should get back to camp" Christen said

They got back to camp and started a fire

"So how do you know Daffy grandma" Clay said

"Well he how do I put this" Grandma Rosiepuff said

"He what" John said

"He's the one I have been going out with" Grandma Rosiepuff said 

"WHAT!!" The brothers shouted

"Gwandma" Branch said folding his arms

"He's the one who has Floyd" Spruce said

"Oh well that puts trouble in the relationship" Grandma Rosiepuff said

"Dang it Grandma!" Clay said

"What that doesn't mean I was gonna stay with him" Grandma Rosiepuff said

"Uh-hu suuuure" Spruce said

"I was gonna dump him" Grandma Rosiepuff said

"Didn't you tell us not to lie" Clay said

"Yeah Gwandma" Branch said

"Branch that was my line" John said

"So if you were dating him did he say anything or take you anywhere special" Phil said

"Uhhh ya he took me to Mt. WholeSomeMilkJug" Grandma Rosiepuff said

"What did you guys do drink a whole bunch of milk" Clay said being sarcastic

"Actually ya we did why did you think I came back with milk every day" Grandma Rosiepuff said

"Is that why you came home with milk every day" John said

"Nooooo she didn't just say that" Clay said sarcastically

"But she just told us were you listening" John said

Everyone except John facepalmed their faces

"Is he always this stupid" Phil whispered to Clay

"Ya" Clay replied

"I'm sorry that you have to live with that" Christen said

"It's ok we are used to it" Clay said

"Ok so tomorrow we are going to Mt. WholeSomeMilkJug" Phil said

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