One-shot, Parker's pov.

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I walked into Lee's dorm room, I was pissed off for many reasons, one of them was because I found out Lee had been purposely not taking his meds.
As I knocked on the dorm door I began to wonder why I even bothered with Lee's shit.

"Lee fucking Adams! You'd better open that door right now!" I screamed at the door. After that the door swung open with a drunken looking Lee.

"What?!" Lee asked, sorta dazed.

"Lee, were you drinking?" I questioned him, looking him straight in the eye.

"No!" Lee replied.

"Don't lie to me!" I roared.

"I'm not lying, and if you're here about my meds I don't need them!" Lee retorted.

I decided to just leave the conversation as it was and just walk into the dorm. Strutting in as if I owned the place, I sent Lee a smirk. Lee responded with the most evil look he could muster up. Rolling my eyes, I made my way toward Lee.

"Lee, you should be taking your meds!" I warned.

"Parker, I shouldn't be taking my meds because they're stupid, and people just want to drug up poor Lee." Lee hissed, his words laced with a sort of venom.

"Lee! I have tried time, and time again to get along with you!" I raised my voice, great I'm getting a really bad migrane.

I sometimes really just want to hurt Lee, but I can't because he's my brother and though I hate to admit it I love him.

Without waiting for a reply from Lee I walked out of the room.

My phone began ringing and I grabbed it out of my pocket to see it was Emily calling.

I took the call,"Emily, what's up?" I asked her casually.

"Emmets in the hospital!" Emily cried through the phone.

"What the fuck happened?!" I questioned.

"He stopped breathing, and I tried everything that I could to make him breath again and then I finally gave up and called the E.R. I still haven't heard anything." Emily whimpered.

"Emily, it's okay, I'll be there in a bit." I said to her.

"Okay, thanks Parker." She replied before hanging up.

Shit, I better go. Running out of the building I opened my car door, and shoved the key into the ignition. And off to the hospital I rushed.


Once I arrived I saw Emily out on the front steps of the hospital crying.
I ran to her after I got out of the car.

She looked up, and saw me coming.
"Parker." She said.

"Yes, Emily? Are you alright?" I asked her with concern.

"I'm fine, and I need to tell you something, Parker." Emily replied.

"Alright then, spit it out." I stated, growing impatient.

"Are you sure?" Emily asked.

"Yes." I replied, nodding my head.

She looked up, once more and said,"I'm pregnant."

My eyes grew wide, as if they were gonna bulge out of my head.

"Are you sure?" I asked, hoping she was joking. I mean I come here to see Emmet then my girlfriend tells me she's pregnant, she has to be joking. Right?

"Yes, I'm sure." She replied.

I cocked an eyebrow at her,"And how are you sure?" I questioned her.

Jefferson Lake. One-shot, for Knightsrachel, Parker's pov.Where stories live. Discover now