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After a few hours, The Sun began to rise.

[Author's POV]

The sunrise had finally arrived after several hours of night. (Y/N) was still sleeping peacefully, nothing bothering her. Since the sun rays weren't able to get into the Temple, (Y/N) wasn't going to wake up.

Suddenly, a knock at the door could be heard. (Y/N) quickly woke up, sitting up as she yawned. She stretched her arms, rubbing her eyes as she thought. Who's.. there?.  better not be someone or something stupid.."

She sighed, thinking it would be Douma. She waited for a bit, starting to hear a deep, soothing voice. "Ah, Lady (Y/N), you're awake!"

Her eyes widened, realizing it wasn't Douma. Half of her felt disappointed, while the other felt relieved. But, if it was not Douma.. who was it?

She quickly got up from the bed, still pretty beaten up from yesterday as she murmured. "Mhm, that's me.. Who's there?" She walked towards the door, starting to open it.

A tall, black haired figure was standing there. He was wearing a Dark Blue Yukata, Tan-White slippers on his feet. His eyes were as dark as the night, except his warm smile ended up turning his eyes into something more positive and joyful. He held a tray with a bowl of Rice, some miso soup, and Ohitashi on the side.

"Good evening, Lady (Y/N)! My name is Yosaho. I came here to give you your breakfast, and the grand tour of The Eternal Paradise Cult! Unfortunately, The Gracious Founder is quite busy right now.. So he won't be able to greet you until later."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened a bit, starting to adjust. She nodded slowly, smiling. Hah, what was I so worried about? Douma can't go into the sun, so that means he wasn't going to be here at sunrise! Two win-wins for me!!!

"Ah, alright then! I understand that perfectly. He is a busy man after all." She chuckled, starting to grab the tray. "Here, let me help you with that."

He laughed joyfully and gave her the tray. "That's right! And Thank you!" He continued to smile, bowing slightly. "I'll wait for you to finish. Then I'll come back."

She nodded in response, balancing her body with the tray. "That sounds good. Thank you." She gave him a warm smile, bowing slightly as well. She started to walk back into the room while Yosaho closed the bedroom door and left.



She smiled widely, fangirling over the food. I mean.. who can blame me??? THIS FOOD IS HEAVEN!!!!

She continued to eat the food with a satisfied gaze, her smile growing. She hummed contently, continuing to eat all of it.

She sighed in relief, finally finishing it after several minutes. She smiled from satisfaction, looking at the ceiling for a bit. Well.. I'm done eating now. But, what am I supposed to do? Should I wait for Yosaho? Or.. should I just go ahead and see The Temple for myself? ARGH— SO HARD TO CHOOSE... THINK (Y/N)!!

(Y/N) sighed deeply, deciding to go find Yosaho. She got up and carried the tray with her as she walked towards the door.

She opened the door fully, noticing many of the followers moving from one place to another in The Temple. She narrowed her eyes, starting to close it as she walked towards the stairs.

Alright.. I should probably go ahead and think about everything that has happened by now. I mean, I probably came here for a good reason.. Not to mention that the Douma Doll that had brought me here isn't with me, so that's something. Mm.. Maybe if I try to investigate, I might figure something out! I should probably use my phone.. ! Wait.. WHERE IN THE WORLD IS MY PHONE?!

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