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The term 'Enemies to Lovers' refers to a specific type of love in which two individuals begin as adversaries, but indefinitely end up in romantic ties.
The 'Enemies' stage of this trope can take many forms, from a rivalry, to a deadly rivalry.



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Marie Moore knew she was undeniably in love with him long before the test. She loved the way his laugh would make his chest shake, the dimples that would appear after she had told a joke that only he'd find amusing, and his ability to stay by her side during every difficult moment they endured together. •

• She wasn't necessarily excited to admit to her boyfriend that she had been pregnant, and kicked out, all in the span of a day, but she wasn't scared. She also wasn't surprised as Marks arms wrapped around her waist, as he uttered six words into Marie's ear.

"We'll be fine. She'll be fine." •


Marie never pondered on how her now husband, knew that they're baby was a girl.

And it didn't matter to her whether or not he was correct or not. He was, and she was as happy as she could ever be.

Marie held her two month old daughter in her arms as she told the story of her child's name to a new neighbour, and how her and Mark chose the name because it didn't matter what she was.

The middle aged neighbour found the name odd, and boyish, but didn't bother mentioning it as Marie blinked down at the baby with glimmering blue eyes.

Both of the women's heads turned as the sound of music came rupturing from a nearby house- not nearby, but Marie and Marks neighbours house.

Marie hadn't thought much of it, being plenty fortunate that she had even had the luxury of being able to own the house, the price being lower then any in the area.

Or on the block for that matter.

At nights when she put her daughter down for sleep, the music would practically make the nursery walls vibrate from the bass. Marie still contained her irritation, going as far as to soundproof her child's nursery walls.

It only took a few days for the sound to bleed through.

At a loss, Marie's exhausted daughter in arms, she decided to put an end to the disruptive people next door.

Only being 23, Marie understood that teenagers were going to be teenagers. Though, she couldn't endure one more day of exhaustion, and the sound of a tired wailing baby.

The first time she knocked, she politely asked the young man to keep music down at night, he agreed.

It got louder.

At a complete loss, Marie came to the conclusion that she couldn't handle the situation herself, and involved the police.

Which led to a strange knock on the door at nine at night, with a different young man standing on the porch, glare on face.

Mark wrapped a possessive or protective arm around his wife's shoulder as they look up at the tall male, who was clearly at least four years younger than the couple.

The younger male made threats, accusing Marie of having a grudge against the men next door.

"You called the police!"

Would be the males response after every word Mark or Marie muttered.

Mark claimed that they had no choice, to which the boys eyes rolled.

Their now three month old daughter was sitting protectively cradled into Marie's chest, relentless sobs coming from the babies throat.

Mark continued to argue with him. "We have a child, it would be immoral of you not to keep the damn down music down at night!"

He shook his head with a small scoff, chuckling lightly. "I was coming to let you know just what you had gotten yourself into, but it seems that it isn't needed anymore." The male muttered as he looked back at the couple.

Marie and mark shared a look. "She's a girl, yeah?" Mark suddenly had a switch flick inside of his head, as he walked outside the doorway and got in front of the young male.

Threats were made, but the boy just continued to laugh.

"The call was just the beginning mister Moore. You think your the first people to move in here? Why'd you think the place was so cheap?" He chuckled.

Marie leaves the men to bicker, but can't help as her gaze drags toward the building alongside her own house.

The garden was dead, lawn scattered with various alcohol bottles and red solo cups. But what really caught her attention, and simultaneously made her heart drop, was the sign hung on the front of the house.

'Omega Eta Kappa Alpha'

Marie hadn't attended university herself, but she could recognize the words on the banner as a fraternity any day.

The young man chuckles as she sees the woman's expression. "This is the real punishment, isn't it?" Marie gave him a looked of confusion.

He took a step closer.

"Your daughter will grow up living next to generations of our fraternity. Seeing the epitome of men every day as she stands by her window. Eventually once she's old enough, she'll get curious? Won't she?"

Marie and Mark look at each other, before looking back down at their daughter.

"She'll never go a day without thinking about the men next door."

As they look back each other, there eyes meet and say enough.

They wouldn't let that happen.


   . . . . . . . . . . . . .                               𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐄                                  . . . . . . . . . . .

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