The end of an old age

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This next descendant I'm going to tell you about is a very special one. She was born in the earliest recorded times of human history. Back when the current years and calendar just started up. She was born a beautiful and powerful princess loved by her people. For millennia, the magic kingdom stood. Although through that time, many different wars and disasters occurred, the kingdom survived through it all. Every time there was a leakage of the wicked power. My descendants would act quickly and do their best to resolve the situation. This descendant was a beautiful young girl. She had hip length light blue hair. Beautiful piercing pink eyes. She also possessed a preference for wearing colours like pink and blue. Her name was Solana Aurora. Her story begins at a young age of only 13. For the first 13 years of Solana's life was filled with much peace and happiness. Fortunately, happiness doesn't always last forever.

The dawn of Solana's 13th birthday.

" Good morning princess and happy 13th birthday" said a maid who would come to wake her up

" thank you i've been waiting for this day for 13 years" Solana said excitedly

" I'm glad you're so excited this morning my little sunshine. " said a kind and caring voice

" MOM you managed to make it home in time from your political trip. " Solana said joyfully

" of course I'm back home in time. I wouldn't miss your awakening ceremony for the world." The queen said lovingly

Her mother was a kind loved, and wise ruler. She was also the sixth in her line, who received the name of the 1st queen. Which meant her full name was Queen Irina Aurora VI. In order to save on time I will simply be calling her the queen.

" I'm so excited for my awakening ceremony. I'll finally be able to unlock my magic. I'll be able to find out which source gem I have the closest connection to." Solana said cheerfully.

" Yes truly this will be a joyous day not just for you, but for the whole kingdom. Everyone is so excited to see which source gem you were closest to. " The queen said happily.

" Yes I know there's no one here more excited than I today is going to be one of the happiest days of my life. " she said cheerfully.

She ran down the stairs of the castle with lots of energy and excitement. Everyone who saw her being so cheerful and happy were made happy just by seeing her. Many would say at the time that her energy was quite contagious. The little princess loved, and admired her mother. She looked up to all her ancestors and diligently studied all the history books.  She was smart, kind and capable. Many who met the princess or lived in her kingdom in those days, loved her very much. Her mother was known for being a great leader. The young princess was known for being a prodigy. she learned all the basic spells, at only the age of six. She had learned all the advance spells by the time she was only seven years old. At a young age, she had memorized the kingdoms entire history. They would say that she read all the written material she could find about her ancestors that had existed long before the founding of the kingdom. The reason she was so excited for her 13th birthday. Was because at that time when members of the family. Turned the age of 13 they would go through a ceremony known as the awakening ceremony. This ceremony was started by the 1st queen.  This was a way of awakening a new bond between the air to the throne and the source gems. The reason they chose the age of 13 is because the children's magic is too unstable in the first 12 years of their lives. In the year between the age of 12 and 13, their magic and body stabilize to become one.

When the children of the family turn the age of 13 because their magic has become fully stabilized within their body, they are vulnerable. Members of the Aurora clan are most vulnerable on their 13th birthday. Due to this, it is also the best time to bond them with the source gems. Bonding with the source gem on your 13th birthday will help increase your magic. It will also make it so that which ever source gem you are the most closely bonded to will protect you. By doing this, it helps increase the power of the successor. This will also make it so that when the successor is ever in danger, the source gem will activate to protect its master. The first queen had put the ceremony in place as a way to protect the successors of the aurora line. That way they will be protected into adulthood and until the next successor is born. The ceremony also had a secret third function. It also awakened the successor of the aurora lines connection with the spirits. A connection which allows me and the other ancestors to communicate, with the successor of the aurora line.

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