Chapter Five

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Stray City often got a bad reputation because we harbored a few criminals and some areas were too toxic to live in. Besides that, the city was a beautiful scene if you ignored the dull grey walls that separated us from Realm City.

Me and my daughter, Kylien, sat on our balcony, observing other residents mull around on the streets, most of them likely high off their minds. The catwalks connecting the stacks creaked as more people than it could handle crossed them, crying out that if any more people crossed then it might just-


Screams resounded out a few blocks away, but Kylien didn't seem to notice, as she was engrossed in the people below.

"Why don't they help us?" She asked, still looking down at the people below.

"They don't want to," I replied.

"But they could fix all of this, couldn't they?" She asked as she turned to face me.

"They could, but they won't," I said, looking to the Central Region where all the elites lived.

Even with infinite materials, the Southern Region lived in poverty which is why it seceded from Realm City and the United Realm Empire around twenty-five years ago. The Northern Quadrant stayed after being bribed with better living conditions, although they were also going to secede with us as well. I couldn't blame the previous king and queen either, since they had also tried to argue against the mistreatment of the southern quadrant, but then had several near-death assassination attempts in one day.

I stroked Kylien's hair as I watched the horizon, knowing that I could've been one of the abusers had Adithi Kaur not opened my eyes to the truth. After a while, I felt her breathe lightly as she fell asleep, and I began to feel drowsy myself, but then I saw her.

Walking across the catwalk to our home was a cloaked figure, her navy blue eyes glittering in the sunlight. Those were her only features that showed, but I still knew who it was just by them.

"Maneeha," I announced her identity before she took off her hood.

"Hello Blezeren," she said as she sat down next to me.

"Thought you skipped town?" I asked her once she was seated.

"And I thought you were dead, yet here we are," she retorted.

"That's fair," I admitted, "What do you want?"

"Nothing big, I just need your help"


"Do you remember those stories our parents used to tell us about?" She said as she turned to face me, "Specifically the ones about the Winds Of Destiny?"

My eyes went wide as I scanned her face for any indication that this was a joke.

"NO WAY!" I yelled, forgetting that Kylien was still asleep.

As she stirred in her sleep, I started to speak, but Maneeha started before me.

"Here's the thing, Blezeren, you don't have an option. Look at her head."

I looked back, and right in the middle of her forehead was a small red dot from a sniper reticle. I traced the origin right to the building across from us, where I could see a man standing just behind the window. There was also another sniper directly across from me, but I already knew he was aiming at me.

"Maneeha, you're forgetting who I am," I said, with cold anger seeping through my veins, "Don't you remember that I could easily kill us all if I want to?"

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