Episode - 15

522 17 11

In hospital

Pooh's cabin

Ping waiting for pooh so pooh can arranging his things and left for house

after sometime later pooh still going on until then pooh asked ping

Pooh : p'ping

Ping : what pooh

Pooh : I call Pavel many times but he can't even answer it especially not even msg he just seen it

Ping : what really

Pooh : yeah p'ping I'm really worried a lot about him now

Ping still silent


Pooh asked again ping

Pooh : p'ping

Ping : hmmmm pooh

Pooh : you call pon naa

Ping : yeah he call me

Pooh : okay can you call him now and asked p'pon where Pavel is

Ping : okay wait

Pooh then doing his work again

here ping about to call pon but ping see pon calling him so ping pick up pon call and said to him

In call

Ping : hello baby

Pon : yeah baby listen

Ping : why your voice sound worried

Pon : phi listen my words

Ping : yeah pon tell

Pon : after you and pooh left the house dome and dome boyfriend come to see Pavel but they meet me and I don't let them meet Pavel even I tell them so much things and now both are them waiting for when Pavel come and meet them and I don't know how I handle now and lastly we knows this dome try to Pavel to be his but now dome boyfriend want to pooh his own and with this words somehow Pavel already listened that's why he don't pick up pooh's phone call and also pooh's msg I tell this because pooh msg me about this so I search and find it Pavel wrote me msg look it

pon sent Pavel msg to ping

Pavel's with pon msg

Pavel : pon I feel so low

Pon : why

Pavel : I heard dome boyfriend said to dome pooh is so cute and look like bear now he want to pooh just him , I feel so jealousy about it and most probably sad

Pon : why like this Pavel , you know already pooh is yours he can't be other's you trust him naa

Pavel : yeah I trust him love him so much but I want him now where is he

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