𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐲

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a/n: rainy day w/ nat

i recommend listening to rain sounds while reading this :)

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Heavy rain. Thick droplets of it pattering against the windows, making it almost impossible to look outside. The coffee cup in your hands is hot, steam rising from it, and your eyes meet Natasha's as you turn your head. You quickly forget about the book that's resting on your propped up legs.

"It's raining", she states the obvious, smiling slightly.

"That it is." You smile back, your eyes getting stuck on hers for a moment. She closes the door to your room before walking up to your bed.

Natasha doesn't hesitate as she sits down next to you, curling up into your side. "What you reading?"

"Some book about time travel." You look at her as she tries to read the open page of the book, your gaze wandering over her eyes and nose and down to her lips.

"Sounds boring", she then says, lifting her head again. An already familiar feeling pools in your stomach.

What you have is fresh — barely a few weeks old. It should be too early to feel these kinds of things already, shouldn't it?

But during those past weeks, your relationship has shifted so drastically that you can't help but believe that this is actually going somewhere much more serious. Nights spent in her bed, mornings together in the kitchen, evenings in the library. A few kisses, her hand in yours, the warmth of a blanket hiding you from the outside world. It's as close to perfection as it gets, and the moments spent with her never cease to make you feel like a warm, giddy mess.

"Actually, it is", you finally admit, not able to move your eyes away from hers.

She smirks. "Fair enough. You wanna know what would be more interesting to read?"

You raise your eyebrows, genuinely curious for a moment. "What?"

Natasha doesn't say anything; instead she just leans in and kisses you on the lips. Your eyes widen as you almost forget how to breathe.


You freeze for a moment, then you look up at her. "Oh", you whisper, bringing your hand up to lightly touch your lips. No matter how many times you've done this exact thing before — the kiss caught you off guard.

She pulls back, still smirking. "God, I love doing that", she whispers. "Got you all flustered."

You shake your head, smiling. The blush on your cheeks is embarrassingly obvious. "You can't just- I-"

"I can't just kiss you?" Her eyes are sparkling with amusement as she keeps her eyes on you, her face mere inches away. You look at her lips, softly shaking your head.

"Actually, never mind. Kiss me whenever you want."

"Thought so." Natasha's hand finds yours, and she grabs it tightly. "So? What are you doing today?"

You smile, looking at the window to your right. It's covered in raindrops.

"Not leaving the house, that's for sure. Other than that..."

"Spending your day with me?", she asks quietly, sweetly, her breath fanning your cheek. You turn your head to look at her again, your lips curling into a small smile. There's a surely prominent blush on your face.

"Obviously. Duh."

Her smile widens. "I'll hold you to that."

You grin and nudge her. "Thought so."

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