Maria and blue eyed old man

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it was a sunny morning, mdk got up from her bed and looked at her sister with disgust. "ugh, you're still sleeping? you promised to watch jujutsu kaisen with me!!" she groaned in annoyance and rolled her eyes. she opened her sticky laptop and put on her hand me down headphones and searched up 'how to bring gojo to life'. all the sites that would come up were already marked opened, so she tried looking for a new site that wasn't opened by her, and she came up across a site with only a blue eye emoji as its name, this caught her attention and she immediately decided to open the site.

the link sent her to a rather odd site, she noticed that she couldn't exit the site no matter how hard she tried, but she didn't care, she was determined to find out how to bring gojo to life, even if it meant crossing the boundaries.

she started reading the sites notes carefully, this was to most she had studied in her whole life. she then noticed that the site said 'if you dance to macarena while having 69 glasses of water around you, gojo has a high chance of coming to life in the middle of the night. this made her very happy, because she was desperate to bring gojo to life.

she waited until night time, it was currently 11:69 pm and the clock was about to become 12 am. she had all her 69 glasses of water around her and she started aggeresively dancing to macarena.

then suddenly, the water from inside the glasses of water started to float and start combining in front of her, forming a 6'9 foot tall man with blue eyes and white hair. IT WAS GOJOOOO.

Maria started up at him in shock, tears of happiness rolling down her cheeks, and immediately felt the need to kiss his hot mouth, but she held back because she was scared he wouldn't like her lips. then gojo pulled her close with one hand on the small of her back and the other behind her neck and whispered seductively "you cryin?". this was enough to get Maria riled up.

she kept looking up at him with a hopefull gaze, admiring his features. "please tell me this isn't a dream..." she whispered in amazement as she brought her hands and held his face in her palms. he immediately kissed her passionately, his noddle thin lips combining with her chapsticky lips. once the kiss ended he whispered in her ear, "well, I'd call myself quite a dreamy man, but I'm the realest thing you will ever experience..." and he then licked her earlobe.

she let out a moan and shivered in pleasure, she held his white locks in between her fingers and buried her face in the crook of his neck, sniffing in his scent like a dog.

"woof woof.." she accidentally whimpered, and gojo smirked by this action. "oh, so you liked that huh? why don't you be my pet? I'll make sure to treat you right.. you'll be living with me forever and I wont let anyone put their hands on what belongs to me..". her eyes lit up, but then she remembered what her parents said.. 'never trust a stranger, no matter how handsome they are... and ESPECIALLY men who are named gojo and have blue eyes and white hair and are 6'9 feet tall..' she looked up at him with a disappointed gaze and let out a shaky breath "I don't know.. I would love to.. but my parents would kill me if I went with you...".

he lifted her chin up with one of his giant fingers and looked down at her like a hungry man "dont worry about that sugar plum.. they wont ever find you..." and with that, he put on his Batman suit in less than a second and started to jump high into the air with mdk in his arms, and that's how she ended up living in the jjk universe and being gojos personal pet and the mother of his 240 children.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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