flashback 🌟

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We rounded a corner, and that's when I saw them,  the group of eshays lounging on a bench outside the festival gates. Amerie, Harper and I felt a shiver of apprehension, our steps faltering for a moment before we plastered on fake smiles. We exchanged quick glances, a silent agreement passing between us. My eyes flickered nervously to the group of boys. They watched us approach, smirks playing on their lips, their eyes predatory. I felt exposed under their gaze, a sudden wave of vulnerability washing over me.

It was then that I spotted him, Cash, leaning casually against a nearby lamppost, a small smile playing on his lips. Relief flooded through me at the sight of him.

"Cash!" I called out, hurrying to catch up with him. Harper and Amerie followed suit, their attention now fully on him.

Cash straightened up as we approached, his eyes flickering over us with a hint of amusement. "Well, well, look who it is," he said, his voice low and teasing.

"Hey, cashy," I greeted him with a smile, feeling a surge of warmth at his familiar nickname.

He grinned, pulling me into a quick hug before turning his attention to the other two.

He grabbed a bag full of pills and handed it to us. "Only take one pill each, it's more than enough," he said, his expression serious.

I grabbed the baggie from him, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thanks."

Cash waved goodbye, "I will be done in half an hour, stay near the main stage. Be safe and do not wander off."

I rolled my eyes, over his protectiveness. 

"Stas, I'm being serious," He said.

"Yes, yes, I got it," I said, walking off before he could embarrass me anymore.

Harper walked up to me "God, mood killer much?" she said, signaling to Cash.

Before we walked in, I handed the bag over to Harper. She gave us each one pill, with one spare still left.

"Someone, want another?" She asked.

"Fuck it! Might as well" I said, against my better judgement

"I don't think that's a good idea," Amerie stated, starting to worry.

"No, I think it would be a shame to let it go to waste," Harper said, giggling.

The sun was just beginning its descent, casting a warm glow over the festival grounds as we made our entrance. The air buzzed with excitement, a medley of laughter, music, and the scents of various food stalls.

The festival pulsed around me, a kaleidoscope of lights and music that seemed to swirl and blur together. The pills I had taken earlier were beginning to take effect, their insidious tendrils creeping through my veins.

At first, it was a subtle shift, a gentle buzzing in the back of my mind. The music grew louder, the bass thumping in time with my racing heart. I laughed along with my two best friends, their voices echoing in my ears, but it all felt distant and disconnected.

As we moved deeper into the festival grounds, the crowd seemed to swell around me, a sea of faces and colours that swirled and danced. I stumbled slightly, my vision blurring at the edges. The lights overhead seemed to streak and blur into ribbons of colour, painting the world in a surreal haze.

I reached out blindly, searching for the familiar faces of my friends, but only Harper was to be seen. Panic clawed at my chest, a cold dread settling in the pit of my stomach.

And then, as if from a distance, I heard someone call our names. I looked up, my vision clearing for a moment as I saw the familiar figures of Spider, Dusty, and Ant.

"Stas, Harper are you guys okay?" Spider asked, his voice sounding far away.

I tried to nod, but my head felt heavy, disconnected from my body. I reached out for his arm, trying to steady myself, but it was like grasping at smoke.

The music thudded in my chest, each beat sending shockwaves of sensation through me. I closed my eyes, trying to focus, but the world seemed to tilt and spin beneath my feet.

"Stas?" Ant's voice sounded urgent now, a note of concern cutting through the fog in my mind.

"I think she needs help" Harper said, trying to sober up herself.

I tried to reply, to reassure her that I was fine, but my words came out slurred and garbled. Panic bubbled up inside me, a primal instinct telling me that something was very wrong.

"Here let's sit down" Dusty said, putting me down steadily.

They all sat down next to me.

"Who are you guys here with?" Spider asked.

I tried to speak, but my tongue felt thick and heavy in my mouth. All I could manage was a garbled mumble, the words lost in the fog of my thoughts.

"Call Cash" Harper requested

Dusty nodded, pulling out his phone and dialling Cash's number. He paced back and forth, his voice urgent as he explained the situation.

Meanwhile, Spider kept a comforting arm around me, his presence a grounding force amidst the chaos of my thoughts. He murmured soothing words, his voice a gentle murmur in my ear.

"Shhh, it's okay, Stas," he said, his hand rubbing small circles on my back. "We've got you."

I leaned into his touch, the warmth of his body a welcome anchor in the swirling storm of confusion and fear. My head throbbed with each beat of my heart, the world tilting dangerously around me.

And then, with a final, desperate plea for help, the world around me went black.

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