498 23 4

- unedited

Drowsily strolling through the busy streets of Tokyo, your grip tightened on the piece of paper in your hand.

Handing in resumes is so bothersome and bring unwanted attention.. You thought with a sigh.

Ruffling your hair a bit causing it to become even messier then it was you glanced up at a very tall building. Stopping in your tracks you slowly walked up to the front door which had two guards situated outside.

They both seemed to judge your lazy attire that tried to be somewhat fancy.

Your outfit consisted of a baggier white button up which was messily done up. Along with black sweatpants and a red tie which was done very messily.

Deadpanning at their very obvious judgemental stare you opened the fancy glass doors with a bit more force then you intended to do. Wincing at the slight creak.

You didn't pay much attention to what type of workplace this building was you just had one thought in mind and that was to get any job available.

This seemed to be way to fancy and you doubted you'd get the job.

"Shiny~.." You sang out with a bored expression as you glanced around the area. The main entrance room it seemed.

The lady at the front desk noticed your presence and smiled warmly at you. Her name badge read 'Mika' without a last name. How odd.

Mika has brown hair which was slicked back in a neat bun and a side part along with an expensive looking work outfit which was a white button up with a black vest and most likely a long skirt as well.

She didn't seem to mind your obvious staring and only continued to smile at you with her warm brown eyes.

Sighing and rubbing your neck sheepishly you stepped a bit closer to the counter and waved hesitantly.

"Hello. Welcome to Kenyu Industries how may I assist you today?" Mika greeted as she adjusted her glasses slightly with a smile.

The continuous smiling is giving me the creeps.. You shuddered at the thought.

Quickly snapping out of your thoughts you cleared your thought with a sweatdrop before handing her your resume.

Mika gladly accepting the paper with a beam as she neatly put it on her desk someplace.

"You're looking for a job here I suppose?" She questioned the obvious making you nod with a neutral expression.

You hummed in response before she nodded briefly before typing on her computer.

"Alright. I'll contact you in 2-5 business days to update you on your position." Mika grinned before ushering you away with her hand movements.

"Eh? Uh okay" You sweatdropped at her hand gestures and stiffly turning around and walking rather fastly out the door. Ignoring the guards curious stares.

Patting your stomach with a small pout you contemplated on whether you should spend your money on food or not.

Considering you were sort of low on money and spending it on food could be a waste.

"Whatever." You grumbled before stomping over to a nearby bakery with a determined expression for cookies?

Doesn't matter you're just hungry.

The smell of freshly baked cookies and green tea welcomed your senses as the bell chimed alerting the workers of your presence.

"Hello! " The cashier greeted with a small wave and smile as you nodded in return and made your way over to the counter.

Expensive.. You sweatdropped as the thought of becoming bankrupted crowded your mind.

Shaking your head vigorously you looked up at the cashier who was still smiling softly at you making you flinch.

Despite his obvious actions being kind and welcoming you can't help but feel slightly threatened by the seemingly fake smile.

Glancing down at the cashiers badge it read the name 'Ryosuke Kira'.

What a nice name it suits him.

"Uh get me what ever is cheap here.." You scratched your neck with a bored expression as Kira sweatdropped at your blunt answer.

"Ah sure? " Kira titled his head to the side with a smile as he chuckled to himself.

"..How much is it?" You spoke up quietly.

"It's on the house! Will that be dine in or take away?" Kira smiled with slightly red cheeks as your eyes widened just the slightest.

"Oh uh thanks. Take away I guess.." You muttered looking away with tinted ears. The cashier taking notice and smiling to himself at your flustered state.

"Alright! It won't take too long feel free to wait over there." He smiled again as he pointed to an area where other customers were waiting for their order.

You nodded with a sweatdrop before making your way over. Your thoughts filled with the luxury of getting free food. Just your luck today!

"Please come again soon!" Kira greeted as you gave a small wave back to the extroverted cashier as you gripped the small bag containing pastries.

Exiting the small bakery you sighed as the soft wind hit your face. Making you irk the slightest.

I wonder if I got that job.. Maybe I should apply for more places. You thought as you munched away on a large cookie whilst walking in the direction of a field.

So yummy. You thought as a flowery aura surrounded your figure making passerbys blush at your contented smile.

"Hey watch out!" A voice called out as you slowly turned to the side only to be greeted with a soccer ball coming your way.


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