Chapter 6

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Zhuxin pulls away quickly

"Um... sorry!"

He was also caught off guard by her decision to pull away, he had a small embarrassed smile on his face now.

He realized now how close they got to each other and she did as well. He then cleared his throat to break the awkward atmosphere that was formed between the two.

"It''s alright, don't worry about it."

He said this with a small smile, this was definitely more embarrassing than he thought it would be. He looked away slightly.

"Hmmm... so what now?"

He stayed silent for a bit as he thought about an answer, his cheeks still slightly pink because of the awkward and intimate moment they had a bit ago.

"I was just going to ask if you could come with me for a second."

He said with a small and shy smile, he was slightly nervous of what her reply may be. It would be great if she could come to the place that he needed her to go to, but he couldn't help but feel a bit paranoid that she may refuse him. Maybe she already had plans?..

"I-I don't know, my parents might scold me for getting home late"

"Don't worry about that, it wouldn't take a long time at all. I just need you to come with me somewhere real quick, that's all."

He said this with a reassuring tone, as far as he knew she didn't have any plans for the remainder of the day.

He needed to talk to her about something important, it was important that they discuss this in private..

"I guess I could take the scolding for you then"

He smiled a bit more upon hearing her reply, she was accepting his request much more easily than he thought she would.

He thought that she would refuse at first, but she was willing to just come along with him. Even with the possibility of being scolded, she still wanted to accompany him..

"Good, good! come on, this place I'm leading you to isn't that far from here."

He said this as he started to walk away, waving his arm at her as a signal for her to follow.

Even with the slight nervousness he had, he was walking off with a lot more confidence than before since Zhuxin was going to come with him. His grip on his bracelet became a bit tighter, he still couldn’t believe it... he finally found her..after so many years.

She may have changed some things, but he knew that she was still the same girl that he was so close with before. Now he was just hoping that things would stay the same.. Izana offers her to let him carry her bag.


With his offer, she handed him her bag and he was now carrying it for her. He was a bit surprised when she accepted his offer so quickly, but he was also glad that she did. It would be much easier to hold onto her bag than the bag weighing down her shoulder.

He then started walking again, moving at a faster pace than before. It was almost as if he was rushing to get to the place where they were going a bit faster now. She holds his hand.

The sudden handhold caught him by surprise once again, he was a bit surprised that she just held his hand with such ease. But even though it was unexpected, it felt good..he enjoyed the warmth that her hand provided for him.

He had been lonely for so long that any sort of warmth or comfort made him feel good. So instead of pulling away, he let her continue to hold onto his hand.

As she followed him, they quickly arrived at a parking lot where there were quite a bit of vehicles. She had recognized the sound of his motorbike starting to come from the vehicle that he was approaching, it was clear that this was going to be the mode of transportation that he was going to be using as he made his way to the location they were going to. She wondered if he was going to put her on the back of the motorbike with him

"Where are we going?"

His silence was enough to answer her question, he was being a little bit more secretive about where they were actually going. Though she had her suspicions, she still wanted him to tell her where they were going.

She knew that he was probably going to say something along the lines of “it’s a surprise” so she was just expecting him to respond with something that was at least a bit related to an answer that she could use. So in her head she was just waiting for him to answer her..

He had already started the engine of his motorbike and he was now signaling to her to ride with him on the motorbike. She figured that this would be how they would be headed to their destination, though she wasn’t sure if she felt safe riding on a motorbike with a boy.

But she trusted Izana for some reason, so she didn’t really resist or have many complaints about riding there with him on the motorbike. They were going to a pretty important she figured getting there quick was the best option.

She smiled nervously when he had gave her the helmet, her hands slowly took it from him as she put the helmet on. She wasn’t really sure why he was giving it to her, but she figured that it was likely for safe measures.

He probably wanted to make sure that she was safe during the ride there and back, she wasn’t going to refuse this act of kindness either. She looked at him as she tied the strap around her helmet, waiting for him to get on as well.

While they drove, Zhuxin was hugging his waist holding into him, she was blushing. After all this years she finally meet him again

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