Stolen Valor

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My father joined the military when he was 18. He wanted to "support" his country. The biggest reason why people forgive my father for the things he has done is because he claims he was drafted into war. Spoiler alert HE DIDN'T GO TO FUCKING WAR! I don't know how to get this through these thick ass skulls but when ever I scream and cuss this dumb ass family out they call it another one of my episodes. Bitch this ain't Netflix, maybe if you listen to the things I say instead of recording me we wouldn't have this problem. 

They used these videos in court to prove that I was insane. I kid you fucking not I had to go to therapy for 8 months. I spoke to psychologists and had to take tests to prove I wasn't insane. He had me on ADHD medication.  This medication literally was killing me, I couldn't think with it I was tired all the time. I was literally being medically abused by this fucker. He would shove this shit down my throat if i didn't take it. He would pin me down on the floor and shove his fingers down my throat. One time I spit in his face and slapped him. He than spit at me even harder and than pinned my down harder while yelling at me. He would put it in yogurt and make me eat it. I hope he rots in hell, "Well he's your father you must obey him!" I don't give two flying fucks!  Try obeying your father when he was abusing you and recording it to prove your insane. Try it, you won't last 10 minutes in my household. 

It was documented on paper and on records that I did not have ADHD neither was I insane. My dad didn't have to take this test though. Just me because you know the adults always right! Fuck off, parents are KILLING their children. I doubt their even their children. Because they show no remblence! 

And you know what he blamed all this abuse on. War, he said he was so traumatized he couldn't think. You didn't go to war. You drove a tank around all day. You were literally a verified taxi driver. 

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