the (already revealed) R.O.Bs of objected drippings

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here's a little doodle page I made of all the (fully revealed) R

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here's a little doodle page I made of all the (fully revealed) R.O.B object monsters in "OBJECTED DRIPPINGS", while there have been a few other objects that were mentioned in things like notes and audio tapes, the reason why they are not here is because they have either not been fully designed yet or they simply haven't been revealed, with that, let me explain a little about his goobers.

leafy-R.O.B: pretty much the first monster to be seen by the main victims and the one who transformed Leo, this version of leafy is a thin airborne creature with wings made of rubbery stretched skin, however, they were not meant to be this way, the labs original plan for the leafy-R.O.B had wings built up of bright green feathers, they were also meant to be way smaller, only around the size of a rat, just who knows what caused this sudden mutation?

bubble-R.O.B: a larger creature with thin skin and oddly great climbing abilities, the bubble-R.O.B was originally with both match and pencil in the "alliance members" containment unit before their escape, while the other two had ran out through the opened door, the bubble decided to climb up the railings instead, causing Bella's demise, for some odd reason, both bubble plus the match and pencil R.O.Bs have a pair of large, hooked upwards claws on their feet, similar to the claws of ancient dromeosaurs (aka raptors)

match-R.O.B: the match R.O.B is a bit more intelligent then the rest of its alliance, yet still seems to act silly, this object has the ability to copy noises or even human speech similar to a parrot, this copying is what caused Micheal to be lead to the R.O.B and get transformed in the process, like the bubble and pencil R.O.Bs, match also has a pair of large hooked claws on both of its feet.

pencil-R.O.B: this object is the main leader of the alliance and is also extremely deadly, the pencil R.O.B doesn't have many unique abilities of its own, but what it does have is endurance, it was once able to survive multiple blows from a human named Paula who was constantly hitting it with a metal pipe, seemingly not getting damaged that much despite it all, just like it's two alliance members, the pencil R.O.B has a pair of hooked claws on its feet.

blocky-R.O.B: finally on this list, we have the blocky R.O.B, probably one of the deadliest objects so far, it is scarily intelligent and has the ability to camouflage itself similar to a squid or a cuttlefish, the only problem with this beasts ability is that it struggles with copying lighter colors like pure white, but when it's in a dark environment, it is able to follow a victim without being noticed, it also likes to mess with its prey in this state, via either tapping their shoulders, making weird noises, or even laughing loudly.

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