Three little words

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It had been a whole week now and Yubin still didn't know how to make this song perfect.

She had been stuck in the studio the last few days, working tirelessly, writing and rewriting day and night, only living off of cheap coffee, snacks from the vending machine and power naps on an incredibly uncomfortable sofa. She hadn't seen any daylight or her members or gotten any fresh air at all, only the dim lights and the sound of her own pen on the paper keeping her company. She had avoided everybody in order to keep her attention on the task ahead, but still.

Her new song felt like it was lacking something. Something Yubin couldn't quite put her finger on. Something that made the whole thing more - relatable? -convincing? heartfelt? She didn't know exactly.

All she knew was that it had to be perfect.

It had to be completely honest, mirroring her feelings and thoughts in the lyrics without a doubt about their intent and meaning.

Yubin never had problems writing words from her heart before. She had written plenty of songs, all of which she was pretty satisfied with. At least when it came to music she always knew how to express her emotions effortlessly.

Apparently not this time. And not with this very specific feeling currently burning in her chest.

"Are you still sure you want to do this?" Maddox, one of the producers working for the same company, asked tentatively, tearing her out of her thoughts. He had been helping her write pieces before. Usually they formed a pretty good team, since he became pretty in tune with how Yubin thoughts and writing progress worked. But the task at hand wasn't an easy one.

In response Yubin just grunted and Maddox watched her rip out another sheet she had been scribbling on, crumpling it up and aiming it at the paper bin. And not hitting it. She groaned and threw her head back, her hands coming up to massage her temples.

"You could always do another song, you know. We still have some time until it's due and I saw a ton of great other lyrics and ideas in your scrapbook. Why don't we just take one of these and work something else out?" He held up the rampaged notebook that held all of Yubins late night thoughts and notes.

She ignored the fact that he had gone through her notes again, even though she specifically stated that her notebook was off limits. "No. I really want to do this."

She started writing away again just to shake her head a few seconds later and disregard the idea again.

"It's fine. You never wrote a love song before and you are obviously struggling to put yourself into words. This is like the fourth notebook I bought this week. So far you have been completely dismissing every single scrap and every single sample. Maybe it is time to move on, do something else and do the love song next time. Hmm?" he tried again, but Yubin had only been half listening.

She knew he only meant well. Still, she had to do it, now or never. "I'm sorry. But I really want to do this. Just leave me to it. I'll figure something out." she shooed him away with her hand, not even looking up from her notes.

Maddox just sighed and shook his head. He knew damn well that once the rapper had put a thought in her head it was pretty damn hard to get it back out. "You've been saying this every day now. Don't you think it's time to give it a rest. You can always do it some other time." He tried one last time, but Yubin didn't even listen at all. He sighed again and left the girl to it. God knew this woman could be stubborn when she wanted.


Yubin had been low-key avoiding Gahyeon all week, not entirely sure how to talk to the other woman anymore. Every time since that one day the desire to say the words that had suddenly appeared at the back of her head that day strove to break out anytime she was just merely looking at the pink haired goddess. And to avoid that to happen so carelessly and unplanned Yubins only solution was to avoid Gahyeon all together. In her opinion that was something that needed to be planned precisely and down to the tiniest detail. She only had this one shot to make it perfect and she wasn't going to blow it. It had to be romantic. It had to be extravagant. And it had to convey her thoughts without any room for misinterpretation. Yubin was sure of that. The how part was what Yubin was struggling with.

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